Track 1 - Fast In My Car

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"Been through the wringer a couple times
I came out callous and cruel
And my two friends know this very well
Because they went through it too"

Hamilton's POV

I waited in my car for John to finish getting his things into my car.

"Turtle boi, hurry up, I want to get to my dorm before my roommate does," I called out. I heard the trunk slam shut and John sat in the passenger seat next to me. In his lap was his pet turtle, Shelldon. Remind me to make John stop watching The Big Bang Theory.

"So, Alex, who do you want as your roommate?" John asked, breaking the mutual silence.

"I really don't care, but I kind of hope it's someone I know. Or a hot guy, girl, nonbinary person, it doesn't matter," I said, getting on the freeway, "what about you?"

"Kind of the same, except not the part about someone hot, that'll be awkward, especially if the feelings aren't returned," John said, hugging Shelldon's tank, "but they need to like Shelldon, Shelldon is my pride and joy, I won't get rid of him." He laughed and started digging through the snacks laying on the floorboard, taking an array of unhealthy snack cakes. We drove for an hour before John started talking again about our past.

"Remember when we were 16 and you just got your license, so we went to my uncle in South Carolina, but you got us lost?" John said, laughing a bit. I chuckled at the memory because half the ride was John yelling we missed the turn and that we were lost while I was saying I knew where I was. I really didn't, but I don't like being called wrong. I mean, we did get back onto the freeway, as we are still alive.

The college was 4 towns over, but to our misfortune, the towns were very spaced out. I had John pass me a Swiss Roll to snack on.

Eventually, we arrived at the registrar area of the school. John gets out of the car, putting a damp towel over Shelldon and making sure I leave the car on so the A/C can run. I oblige, but double check the car is locked.

We walk, still joking about our teenage years before spotting Lafayette.

"MES AMIS! BONSOIR! Comment ça va?" Lafayette called out. (My friends! Good evening! How are you?)

"I'm doing well, Laf," I said, before going up to the Registrar to get my key. John continued to talk to Laf as I went to grab a few items from my car.

When I returned, John was getting his key, so I set my items down to see if any of us had the same room. Well more hoped than just to see. John had room 1208, I had room 1206 and Laf shared a room with John. I sighed and picked my things up, going to my dorm. Normally, there are plaques on the dorm room door that told us our roommate, but this year, there weren't funds for them. I hoped that my roommate wasn't here yet, so I could choose the better room. Yes, I am that petty.

I carefully opened the door before basically running in, saying "mY NAME IS ALEXANDER HAMILTON."

To my luck, there was no one in the room. I looked at both rooms and they were empty, except for a bed and a desk in each. I picked the room that faced away from the other buildings and towards the beautiful rolling hills. I sat down the boxes I brought and left to grab more. When I got back to the car, Shelldon was gone along with most of John's things. I assumed that he and Lafayette took the items to their dorm. I took out a few more of my boxes and closed the trunk. I turned to pick up the boxes, but accidentally bumped into a taller person.

"Watch where you're- Oh, look who it is, Hamiloser, how have you've been, I haven't seen you since high school," a cruel, familiar voice said.

"Listen here, Jeffershit, just fuck off, I don't have time for you here," I said, grabbing my things and walking away.


I rolled my eyes and walked straight to the dorms to put my things in. By now, there was a small line for the dorm keys, and Jefferson joined it.

I grabbed the last of my things and saw John's things were also gone. I locked my car, seeing Jefferson already going back to his car for his things.

I went to my dorm again, waiting for my roommate to finally show up.

About 5 minutes fly by and the door swings open.

"Uh, hello?"

"gOD FUCKING DAMNIT! JEFFERSON-" I yell from my room.

(WC: 822)

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