Track 12 - Proof

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"It's really hard, I can't cry in your arms
'Cause you're not here
It's not your fault and if it was I wouldn't care
My heart is bigger than the distance in-between us"

Thomas's POV

I was the first to wake up, poor Alex needed sleep. Honestly, I did too, but I already woke up and I can't fall back asleep, even though it's 7 am.

The nice quiet was so rudely interrupted by some loud knocking on our door. Alex started to wake up, so I just got up and saw Lafayette standing there.

"What took you so long?" Lafayette said.

"I have my reasons," I said. Lafayette had a blank face before he gave a wink. I took a second to realize what he meant, turning red at it.

"NOT THAT!" I said.

"I know I know, you are too scared to go immediately. Anywho, JOHN IS MISSING AND I NEED YOUR COCONUT ASS TO HELP ME FIND HIM," Lafayette yelled. I jumped and Alexander came rushing out.

"What the fuck, Laf?" he asked. Lafayette had a completely straight face. (uNLIKE MY SEXUALITY-)

"You heard me, John never came back to the dorm," he said.

"WHAT? We saw him star gazing, but he said he had to get stuff from those lockers they give us for between classes," Alex said.

"Yeah, we thought he went to your place after," I added.

"Not even a message to me. How rude," Lafayette muttered. He agreed to stand out in the main hall as Alex and I changed into fresh clothes.

Lafayette came back and dramatically laid on the couch.

"He is missing! What shall we do!?" he cried. I looked over at Alex and he just shrugged.

"Give him a few hours, he might be busy," I said, unsure how to comfort him.

"Hmmm, fine, but I'll be back at 11 if he's not back and we are doing a search," Lafayette decided and left quickly.

"Is he normally like that?" I asked Alex.

"All the time, such a drama king," Alex laughed. I nodded and went to make some breakfast. I pulled out a pan and reached for the pancake mix.

"You are NOT making mac n cheese for breakfast, right?" Alex called out.

"I was going to make pancakes, but now that you mention it, it doesn't sound half bad," I laughed, reaching for a box of mac n cheese.

"YOU MAC N CHEESE ADDICT, FREEZE," Alex shouted. I laughed and pulled down the pancake mix. I made some bomb pancakes that we both enjoyed.

Sure enough, as 11 hit, Lafayette was already knocking on the door. I was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen and Alex was showering. I groaned and let Lafayette in.

"John is not back! We are doing a search! Hurry up! Where is your boyfriend?" Lafayette almost yelled.

"He's showering, and I'm busy, give us like, 15 minutes to be ready," I said, going back to the kitchen and I started to wipe the counter.

"No need to be so salty, wow," Lafayette muttered.


who tf let me procrastinate till midnight on friday to post this? i almost forgot the meme, smh

also like 5 chapters, yay? then rapid fire bonuses

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