Track 15 - Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore

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"I'm not angry anymore
Well, sometimes I am
I don't think badly of you
Well, sometimes I do"

Junior year was... eventful to say the least. Thomas forgot to buy coffee at the store and no one noticed till the morning when Alexander went to get some coffee. He was grumpy all day. He even told Thomas, "You forgot the damn coffee, don't say a word to me." Of which, Thomas followed with "Fergalicious." Alexander got upset and Thomas complained about how it was sooo convenient that it was a word when Alexander was angry but not during game night. The two fought to no end that day over meaningless things.

Another fight was when Thomas's laptop was near death and he couldn't find his charger. He accused Alexander who happened to be charging his own laptop before he got a call from James Madison letting him know he left his charger the night before. Honestly, most of these fights start with Thomas being an idiot somehow.

Lafayette got into hysterics one day because John, yet again, went somewhere without a message. In reality, he was setting up a surprise party for Lafayette, hence the lack of message. No one could tell if Lafayette was excited about the party or still upset about the first situation until he called Hercules for a dance. Well, more like 5 dances.


oh boy oh boy, 2 more chapters then the bonuses

im thinking like 4 laurens and 4 lafayette ? idk, i dont wanna overwhelm myself cause i still have school and stuff

also, sorry this is later than normal, i just picked up my bass (guitar, im intimidated by the big one) after like a month or two of forgetting it and holy shmokes i missed it

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