Track 8 - Last Hope

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"I don't even know myself at all
And I thought I would be happy by now
The more I try to push it I realize
Gotta let go of control"

Hamilton's POV

I left my room, half expecting Thomas to jump at me for the comb. I'd have to admit, he did look pretty adorable with his hair all poofed out. Especially when he got upset about it. Also, have I mentioned how incredibly soft it was? What type of conditioner does that man use?

The front door opened and I leaned over, seeing Thomas with a bag. I smirked and waved the comb. He smirked back and pulled multiple combs out of his bag.

"Touche, Jefferson," I said, tossing him his comb.

"Gotta be prepared, especially if this were to happen again," he said, pulling off his beanie. His hair puffed out and he went into the bathroom.

Half an hour passed and I was drinking my barely warm coffee when Thomas came out, this time his hair under control. He started to flip through the channels, but he looked like he was about to pass out. He stopped on some Spongebob. I don't think I'll ever understand this man. Thomas yawned and leaned into the side of the couch. I put down mug of coffee and just watched the cartoon. After a while, I glanced at Thomas who seemed to be asleep. His arms looked so inviting. Fuck it, the man's asleep, I'll get up in half an hour.

I laid down in front of Thomas and almost immediately he wrapped his arms around me. They held me tightly, but in a comforting way. I blushed a bit at the feeling. If I wasn't asleep 2 hours ago, I'd probably fall asleep right here. I stayed still, watching the cartoon before getting bored and flipping around in Thomas's arms. Surely he wouldn't mind if I messed with his hair a bit, I mean, he let me brush it out. I wrapped a curl in my finger and let it bounce back. BIG MISTAKE!

Thomas's eyes opened tiredly. He mumbled something and stuck his face into my neck, holding me closer. Holy shit, I'm so gay. My face is on fire and I probably look like a tomato. Hopefully he too tired to remember this. God, if he does, I'm so dead.

I tried to slither out of his grip, but it was too tight. So instead I just pouted and tried to flip over to watch Spongebob. What I got instead was a tighter grip and sleeping Thomas's face in my hair now. This is my fate, stuck in a cuddle with someone who punched me in debate a year ago. I'm accepting this. I mean, at least he's hot, so that's a plus. Wait, what? I said nothing.

Eventually, Thomas's grip lightened and I was able to slip away to make some more coffee. There was some shuffling on the couch and I looked over at Thomas who had part of his hair flattened against his face.

"Why didn't you wake me?" he said. Goddamn, that sleepy voice is hot, how the fuck did I never see that before. I felt the blush for the 3rd time? 4th? Who knows anymore?

"Alexander, are you okay?" he asked, getting up. I'm not telling him about the accidental cuddle session.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just getting some coffee," I said, laughing a bit.

"You look pretty red, are you sick?" he said, walking towards me.

"I'm fine, I promise," I said, grabbing my cup and immediately going over to Laf's and John's dorm.

(WC: 606)

(ive gotta admit, i love writing fics w/ at least 1 oblivious af character purely cause if my life was fanfic, id be the oblivious af character, like not humanly oblivious (just ask my ex))

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