Track 6 - Ain't It Fun

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(ill tell you this
if you dont know this song
where tf were you in 2013?? or the 2010's in general??)

"I don't mind
Letting you down easy but just give it time
If it don't hurt now, but just wait, just wait a while
You're not the big fish in the pond no more"

Hamilton's POV

I woke up to a pounding headache and pure silence. I decided to sit up, but there was an arm over my waist. I turned around and saw curly hair and barely anything else because of how dark it was. I moved too much as the other person woke up.

"Alex?" a voice said. John! I hummed to show I was listening.

"What are you doing up? Do you want me to go back to my dorm?" John asked. I shook my head and turned on the lamp. John was wearing the shirt I exchanged for my hoodie. I didn't have a good look at it at first, but now that I can see it, it was a school pride shirt from our high school.

"What exactly happened though?" I asked. My voice was dry and rough.

"Well... there was a storm and Jefferson heard you crying or something, then you passed out so he got me and I've been here just to make sure you're okay," John rambled. I nodded and laid back down, letting sleep take me again.

~woooooo magical time skip~

When I woke up again, John was gone. Birds chirped outside and it was frankly quite annoying. I threw a pillow over my head, still hearing the birds. I groaned and got up, changing into appropriate clothing. Yes, I could've kept the hoodie on, but the idea of me wearing it all night just gave me an uneasy feeling about re-wearing it. I put my hair up, making sure it was straighter than my sexuality in the mirror. It passed with flying colors.

I finally emerged from my cavern of a room and made some coffee.

"Well, good afternoon, how are you?" Jefferson said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the cup of coffee. I sat across from him on the couch, watching whatever was on the T.V.

"Or you can go back to ignoring me, that's cool too," Jefferson said. He sounded a bit hurt, but after senior year, I barely have remorse for him. I mean, if he was dying or choking on his mac 'n' cheese, then I'd probably save him or call for help. But, to me, he's just another person. He has made that clear to me over the years.

I took a nice sip of my warm, lovely, bean juice known as coffee. Jefferson stayed on his side and I stayed on mine, a whole seat between us.

Unfortunately, like all good things, my coffee ran out and I didn't feel like making more. So, I washed out my mug and put it on one of the lower shelves. I looked outside and it looked beautiful, with some puddles and a partially cloudy sky. I may not like storms, but I do love the aftermath. Know what? It'd be a nice time to take a walk outside. I slipped on my shoes and told Jefferson that I'd be back in an hour and started walking around. I didn't know where I was heading, but I remembered a creek with a trail near campus that I could walk on.

I set a timer on my phone for half an hour so I know when to turn back and started to play some music. The first song was Life's a Beach. I let the music flood my mind, taking all my rushing thoughts to a halt. I could stay here forever. (lowkey forgot what song that is :-/ might be bit, or something, idk, im too lazy to check)

(WC: 645)

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