Track 16 - Be Alone

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(fuck josh farro, zac farro was the better brother (context: josh (ex paramore guitarist) made a homophobic comment and zac (current paramore drummer) is being supportive of the lgbt community))

"So what if I don't have a lot to talk about?
I shove my mouth and keep it locked until it comes
And what if I don't ever want to leave my house?
Stay on the couch while all my friends are going out"

Senior year was quite nice. Thomas finally learned to not do stupid stuff and Alex had his daily dose of coffee.

A nice thing that did happen, however, was Alexander was chosen as valedictorian. Thomas got salutatorian, but he was fine with it. Oh, this part gets good, let's look at it.

"And here is this years valedictorian, Alexander Hamilton," Washington said, leading the applause as Alexander stepped up to the podium.

"Friends, family, fellow students, and boyfriend, I really didn't know how to prepare this speech, I kind of knew this whole thing was coming, but to summarize my college experience? Gosh, I wouldn't know where to start. Maybe with the fact that I drove here with my stupidly amazing best friend, John, or maybe how my worst enemy was my roommate and we realized how much we have in common. Or would I start where classes started and how I met the annoying Mr. Seabury, of which I would like to apologize for calling you a dog last week." Alexander paused for the crowd to laugh and a salty glare from Samuel.

"Maybe I could summarize it into a few words, like the entire experience was a roller coaster, but then I could also say that the classes portion was definitely challenging in the sense that we had math. I thought I left that in high school. Do I need to say more? Thank you again, friends and family," Alexander closed off. He bowed and let Washington take the podium. They handed out diplomas and took pictures.

"Class of 2018! WHOO!" Laurens yelled out.

"LET'S GET SOME DRINKS, AFTER 4 YEARS, WE DESERVE IT!" Hercules yelled as well. Everyone laughed with him as he swiped Lafayette into his arms and began to run off. Laurens followed, laughing still. Lee followed his boyfriend, walking because he knew Laurens would double over in laughter. Alexander went to follow, but Thomas grabbed his shoulder.

"Hang on, before we go, can I ask you something?" Thomas said

"Sure what is it?" Alexander hesitated a bit.

"Don't you think the guys need to take off their caps and gowns before getting drunk?" Thomas asked. Alexander's eyes widened and he rushed after everyone else. (YOU THOUGHT-)

Thomas took awhile, but caught up to everyone, who were helping each other take off their things. Alexander saw his boyfriend and went to help him as Lee took over helping Laurens.

Eventually, the gowns were folded up and placed in the trunk of Lafayette's car and all 6 men squeezed into it. There wasn't enough room in the back, so Alexander just sat on top of Thomas.

"Alex, I love you, but your hair is getting in my nose," Thomas said.

"Stop complaining, it's not fun to be in a car with whiney man children," Lee said. Laurens just leaned over and stared at him

"Didn't you want to take Samuel's movies last night before you had to pack?" he said. Lee stammered a bit then looked out the window.

The group got reasonably drunk, except Lee, who was going to drive everyone home. Laurens cried when Lee told him he wasn't single and Thomas refused to kiss Alexander because he had a boyfriend. It didn't register in either of the men's heads that they were dating. Let's just go with Lee had lots of blackmail for them. The group went to Thomas and Alexander's dorm room just so Lee could keep an eye on them.

The next day was filled with hangovers and packing to move out. Thomas and Alexander already have plans to rent an apartment by a firm, Wayne Firm, that agreed to hire Alexander.





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