Track 10 - Anklebiters

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"Why do you care what people think?
Are you hooked up to the leash
You know, anklebiters
Ate up your personality"

I think it's Alexander's POV time? idk

John and I walked out of his room after a long talk. We agreed that I should get my emotions together and ask Thomas out.

We left his room and heard whispers, in French. I couldn't hear much, but someone was being called a coconut.

I walked into the main room, seeing Lafayette and Thomas on the couch. Holy shit, they look so much alike.

"Oh, Alex, I didn't know you were here," Thomas said. I looked at John and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Hey Thomas, can we talk? In our dorm?" I said. Thomas nodded and we left John and Laf's dorm. As we entered ours, Thomas looked at me, confused.

"Ok, ok, this may be stupid and you might not feel the same, but willyougooutwithme?" I said, rushing the last part.

"Wait, did I hear you correctly, you want to go on a date?" Thomas clarified. I nodded and looked away, ready for rejection.

"Goddamnit, I wanted to ask you first, but yes, Alex, I will go out with you," Thomas said. That was... unexpected.

"Wait, you wanted to ask me out?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Well, yeah, but it doesn't matter now, where are you planning on taking us?" Thomas asked.

"I actually didn't think you'd say yes, so I don't have a plan," I admitted. Thomas laughed a bit and sat on our couch.

"Say what, we go to Chili's and have a nice dinner date tonight," he said. I agreed and we left to get ready for our impromptu date.

~~ time skip cause i have a cool scene in my head ~~

"Alexander, stop moving," Lafayette said. I was helping him practice for his cosmetics class by letting him do my makeup and hair for my date. I stop shifting around and resorted to tapping my foot out of nervousness.

"John, what do you think?" Lafayette said, taking a step back and looking at me. John came over and studied my face, holding a bag of Cheetos.

"More pink on the eyes," he said, eating one of the chips.

"Pink? How much is there on my face?" I asked, trying to look in the mirror. Laf stood between me and the mirror.

"Clearly not enough, now work your magic Laf," John said, leaving.

Lafayette grabbed an eyeshadow palette and started adding more on my face. After he stopped, I tried leaning over and looking at my own face. Lafayette leaned the same direction as me, successfully blocking my view.

"Let me see my face, you toad," I said.

"Toad? I did not know today was 'insulting Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette day'," he said, putting down the eyeshadow, "Anyway, I don't think we should do anything too special with your hair, hmm, John! What should I do to Alexander's hair?"

"I don't know, dye it blue?" John said, laughing in the doorway.

"That's not a bad idea," Lafayette said.

"No, no dying my hair, I'll just put it in a ponytail or something," I said, getting up.

"Booooo, you're no fun Alex," John said, throwing one of his chips at me. I just scowled and looked in the mirror for once.

"Holy shit, Lafayette, you're a God," I said. This isn't just some simple make up a 15 year old could do, no, it looks like NikkiTutorials came here and did my make up with James Charles's help.

"Yeah, I know," Lafayette said, clearly proud of himself.

(WC: 609)


A/N: really unimportant, but i might publish a one shots book and another one (ill offer a few options when i decide to) either later this month or in early october bc this isnt supposed to end till early to mid november (although when i get to the bonuses, those are gonna be more of a daily or every other day updates cause of how many i have)

finally, i started in person school on monday, so if i skip a week to catch up in the future, i apologize, but i dont see that happening as my largest class is abt 6 people right now and im the only one in my 3rd and 4th period

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