Prologue - Ignorance

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(i offer memes as a peace offering if you end up disliking my writing

anyways this is a flashback to grade school(s), so this is going to sit before the actual story, you may skip, but you could miss key details)

"If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well, I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle, a mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore"

No one's POV

8th grade

"Hey! Thomas, hang on!" Alexander Hamilton called out. The taller boy stopped and turned, seeing Alexander rushing up. Once he caught up, the two started walking.

"What's up, Alex?" Thomas Jefferson said as they walked.

"Oh, uh, nothing, it's just I don't want to walk home alone today and you live nearby," Alexander said.

"Really? I didn't know," Thomas said.

"Yeah, I live on the street right by yours," Alexander said. They didn't really live close together, Alexander lived about a 3/4ths of a mile away. But he knew it would throw James Madison and Aaron Burr off his path. Well, he hopes it would. If worse comes to worst, Thomas might protect him in some way. Hopefully. But, just to his luck, he heard a wonderful voice.

"Hey, Jefferson, why are you with the gay kid?" Madison called out. Thomas turned around, seeing James.

"What gay kid, Madison?" Thomas asked.

"Hamiloser, why were you guys talking?" James said, trying to look threatening, but Thomas was so much taller than him.

"He said he lives by me and didn't want to walk alone," Thomas said, shrugging.

"What? He lives over half a mile away from you," James said. Thomas turned around to talk to Alexander but didn't see him anywhere.

Next day

Thomas was standing by Alexander's locker, waiting for him. He stood there for about 10 minutes before Alexander came walking down the hall.

"Oh, hey, Alexan-" Thomas trailed off when he saw Alexander turn the other direction.

"Slow down! Jesus Christ," Thomas called out. They eventually reached a dead end of the hall, going into Mr. Adams's classroom. Mr. Adams normally is the late one to class, so no use there. Alexander cowered down, trying to cover his vital parts.

"Hey, what's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanted to talk to you," Thomas said, holding his hand out. Alexander took it slowly, standing up.

"Was Madison right? You're gay?" Thomas asked.
"No, I'm bi, I still like some girls," Alexander said. Thomas nodded and took careful thought into his next question, not sure how to word it.

"Is that why you walked by me? So he wouldn't attack you?" he asked. Alexander nodded.

"Well, I don't see why he'd even do that, your preference doesn't affect him. Unless he's scared you'll take all the hot guys from him," Thomas laughed. Alexander laughed a little too and Thomas knew that it was a beautiful laugh.

"Jefferson! Are you seriously talking to Hamiloser again?" James's voice rang.

"Yes, I am, what's your issue?" Thomas said, basically guarding Alexander behind him.

"He's gay, I saw him kissing that Laurens kid," James said, obviously proud of what he said.

"And it affects you... how? Are you scared he'll take your future boyfriend?" Thomas said.

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