Track 13 - Hate to see your heart break

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(ill be honest, after this chapter we are gonna need seatbelts for how fast i plan on going
like faster than a teenager learning swear words in new languages)

"There is not a single word, in the whole world
That could describe the hurt the dullest knife just sawing and back and forth
And ripping through the softest skin there ever was"

Alexander's POV

I got out of the shower hearing ominous whispers from the main room. I ignored them and got changed.

When I finally stepped into the main room, both Thomas and Lafayette had their backs to me, talking.

"Guys, what're you doing?" I asked. Lafayette was the first to turn around.

"Hon hon, oui, oui! I'm Lafayette! And I worry a lot about my friends!" he said. What. The. Fuck?

"Yee haw! Howdy, y'all! I'm Thomas Jefferson! I don't care about anybody except my boyfriend, Alex, and best friend in the who root tootin' world, James Madison," Thomas said. I think I know what's going on.

"Ok, what the hell, I may be Southern, but I ain't that Southern, darlin'," 'Lafayette' said, looking at 'Thomas'.

"At least I don't sound like, how you say... a Belgian man trying to be French," 'Thomas' said.

"Alright, alright, I think I know what's happening," I said. 'Thomas' looked at me then threw the blanket that was piled on the corner of the couch at me.

"Run, mon ami!" the actual Lafayette said .

"Why are we running? It's just Alex," Thomas asked.

"Exactly, it's Alexander, we don't know what will happen."

"Get your asses over here," I called out, following them. They locked themselves in Thomas's room and I heard laughter.

"Hey, weren't we supposed to figure out where John is?" I called into the room. There was clearly conversation in there. I feel like Aaron in the sense I'm not in the room where it's happening.

"You won't throw anything, right?" a French accent called.

"What can I throw that isn't too hard out here?" I said, rolling my eyes.


"Don't give him ideas- DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?" Thomas's voice called out. I laughed and looked around. I found nothing truly worth throwing and they both slowly came out. Lafayette was the first. Or I think it was Lafayette, who ever it was had their hair up.

"It's safe, mon ami," Lafayette said as Thomas followed.

"Ok... so now we need to find John and get ready for the study," Thomas said. Lafayette and I nodded and we went into the hallway.

"You go check B building, Alex checks A building and I will check this building," Lafayette said. Thomas and I went to leave when someone started talking.

"Hey Laf, hey Alex, hey Thomas," John said. Everyone looked at him and Lafayette ran up.

"JOHN! I WAS WORRIED, WHERE WERE YOU?" Lafayette said, hugging him with a grip that could kill.

"I just hung out with a friend," he said, clearly not saying everything.

"Well, let's get to studying," Thomas said. We went to the library where Thomas and I took the couch while Lafayette and John took the beanbags.


i have a full notes app page of what i want to happen in the rest of this

get your seatbelts, kids

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