Track 7 - Part II

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(what a shame, we are 7 chapters in and no relationship stuff yet
but like burr, you gotta wait for it *finger guns*)

"What a shame, what a shame we all remain
Such fragile, broken things
A beauty half-betrayed, butterflies with punctured wings
Still there are darkened places deep in my heart"

Jefferson's POV

I got no sleep, I was worried. I don't know why I was worried about Alexander, I just was.

It was about 5 am when Laurens left the room.

"Is he okay?" I asked. He jumped a little at my voice.

"Calm down, this isn't a hospital, and yeah, he's fine, just a bit shaken up, next time there's a storm come get me," Laurens said. I nodded and he left. About 3 hours later, Alexander got up. He started his coffee and looked over at me.

"You look like shit, what happened to you?" Alexander asked.

"Eh, nothing much," I responded. Inside, I was about to scream about the fact I couldn't sleep because I was worried. But I wasn't going to say it out loud.

"Nothing much my ass, you look half-dead, have you heard of a comb?" he said. I rolled my eyes and got up to make a cup of tea.

~~ bam, no one asked, 2 week time skip ~~

"Hold still! Then it wouldn't hurt," Alexander said. Over the past few weeks, college has started and we actually became friends, somehow. It was Saturday morning and after enough convincing, I let Alexander comb my hair.

"Stop pulling, I can do this on my own," I said. The tears were already in my eyes from the pain. Alexander was busy trying to pull the comb out from my hair. Alexander sat back, holding his comb.

"Shall I continue? Or let you look like the horrible mess you are?" he asked, before sitting on his knees. He didn't even let me answer before combing my hair again. He wasn't pulling as hard and it felt more relaxed without the arguing.

"Just tell me when you're finished," I said, crossing my arms.

"Oh shit..." Alexander muttered.

"What's happening?" I asked moving my hands to my hair. It was poofed out and going all sorts of directions.

"I thought you said you know what you were doing," I said, rushing into the bathroom. I got a clearer look of my hair and it was just one poofy afro.

"I thought I did, but your hair wouldn't stay down," Alexander said, laughing.

"You little bitch, which side of the comb did you use?" I asked. He showed the fine tooth bit and I face palmed.

"You're supposed to use the wide tooth, hand that over," I said trying to get the comb. Alexander moved it away and started to rush away. I followed him and he closed the door to his room.

"Can't get me now, poof ball," Alexander said through the door. I grumbled and walked over to the front door. I knew I should've brought extra combs. I grabbed a beanie and tried to stuff as much of my hair as I could in it. I drove to the store, grabbing a multi pack of wide toothed combs.

"Laf? What are you doing up this early?" the cashier. He had a muscular build and wasn't much shorter than I am.

"Uh, sorry? I'm not Lafayette," I said.

"How'd you know I was talking about Lafayette? I only said Laf," the man said.

"He lives in the dorm across from mine," I said.

"Uh huh, what's your name, then?"

"Thomas," I said, smiling. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the store.

(WC: 587)

(i have a bonus chapter that explains more, but bonuses come after the whole story)

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