(Epilogue) Track 17 - Future

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"I'm writing the future
I'm writing it out, loud.
We don't talk about the past
We don't talk about the past, now"

3rd POV still

"Dad! Dad!" Philip yelled as he ran into the house. He threw his school bag to the side and ran to Thomas, who was holding a few sheets of papers.

"Hey, Pip, calm down, Polly is sleeping," Thomas laughed, putting down his things down.

"Oh! Sorry, but look at this flower crown Theodosia made me!" Philip said, holding up a semi-crushed daisy crown.

"Why is it crushed?" Thomas asked.

"PHILIP, DON'T TELL DAD WHAT HAPPENED!" Alexander called out rushing in.

"Alex. It's 4:30, Polly is napping," Thomas stared at his husband. Cries rang through the house and Thomas gave that stare. Alexander rose his hands in defense and went to go calm Polly.

"So, what happened, Pip?" Thomas asked after Alexander was out of sight.

"George took my crown and said it looked gay and Pops said 'What's wrong with being gay?' so then George's mama came over and said 'It's sinful.' then Pops slapped her, George gave back my crown and they left," Philip said, putting back on the crown. Thomas laughed and sent Philip off the do his homework, much to Philip's dismay.

Alexander walked out of Polly's room, carrying the toddler.

"Alex, why did you slap someone?" Thomas asked, going back to his paperwork.

"Because she was being a bi-...scuit, a biscuit," Alexander said, trying to not curse while holding his kid.

"Really? A biscuit? That's the best you have?" Thomas teased.

"I'm not cussing, Philip would pick it up immediately," Alexander said. Polly hopped out of his arms and sat on the couch, watching her father look through random papers.

"And you don't think he won't think slapping is okay cause his dad did it?" Thomas scolded.

"He's gotta learn to stand up," Alexander said bluntly. Thomas laughed a bit and turned in his chair.

"You have a point, if we weren't married and I saw you on the street slapping some homophobe, I'd marry you then," Thomas said. It was Alexander's turn to laugh.

"Dad, Pops, what's for dinner?" Philip ran out of his room, holding 2 sheets of paper.

"Mac n cheese," Thomas said, smirking at Alexander. Alexander face palmed and shook his head.

"I was going to say fried chicken, but seems like Dad is stuck on mac n cheese," Alexander said, tossing a glare to Thomas.

"Pops is making it, right, Dad?" Philip asked, looking at his parents. Thomas gasped in fake hurt and threw his hand over his chest.

"What's wrong with my mac n cheese?" he asked.

"You make it too cheesy and it tastes bad," Philip said, no emotion conveying in his voice.

"The cheese is what makes it good," Thomas complained.

"Oh, honey, just accept that our kid likes me more," Alexander said, throwing his arms on Thomas's shoulders.

"Not true," Thomas said, before turning to Philip, "Who do you like more, Pip? Dad or Pops?"

"Pops. Can I color now?" Philip said, trying to reach the color pencils. Alexander burst into laughter and grabbed the pencils for Philip.

"Absolutely no remorse," Thomas said, "Polly has to like me more."

"Want to test that?" Alexander asked. Thomas raised an eyebrow and got up, facing the 2 year old. Alexander did the same.

"Ok, Polly, who do you love more? It's me, right?" Thomas asked her. She looked between the two men and used her small hands to tug on both of their hair.

"Ow!" they both said at once.

"I guess she has no favorites, she hates everyone equally," Alexander concluded. Thomas groaned, running his hand through his hair.

"I'm no one's favorite then?" he said, jokingly.

"I wouldn't say that," Alexander said, holding onto Thomas's waist.

"Oh really?" Thomas asked, getting closer.

"Yeah, because you're my favorite husband," Alexander said, smiling.

"I'm your only husband, unless you married someone else," Thomas laughed.

"EW, GROSS," Philip called out from his bedroom. The adults laughed and shared a quick kiss before getting ready to finish out the day with their family.

voilà !! an epilogue

now i just gotta edit something so it fits better in the timeline of all this before i publish bonuses


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