Track 4 - Daydreaming

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"Living in a city of sleepless people
Who all know the limits and won't go too far outside the lines
'Cause they're out of their minds
I wanna get out and build my own home"

Jefferson's POV

I started to read a book in the quiet of my room before hearing frustrated noises from Hamilton's room. I bookmarked my page and went to see what was going on.

When I pushed his door open, he was standing on one side of his bed, pulling on his fitted sheet. The second he pulled one corner over, another popped off. I chuckled to myself and Hamilton immediately looked at me.

"How long were you watching me from there?" he asked, pulling on the sheet again, causing another corner to pop off.

"At least since the last time that happened," I said, going over to the bed to hold down 2 of the corners as Hamilton finally put the last one down.

"Thanks, I guess," he said, pushing me out of the room and closing the door.

"You're welcome," I said. There wasn't really a point because the door was already closed. I smiled to myself when I finally was able to think how small he must've looked when he was pushing me. His hands were barely reaching my stomach area, but I know for a fact he can comfortably reach just below my chest.

Oh fuck, I think that I might just have a crush on a boy who hates me...

I sighed and fluffed my hair. I should really clean that bowl from earlier. So I did, and I left it on a washcloth that was next to the sink to dry.

I turned on the T.V., seeing there was a storm heading for our area, but I didn't think much of it.

(WC: 302)

lmaooo, this is how long i used to write,i wasnt sure how to continue in jeffersons pov

anyways, so wattpad doesnt murder me for this being less than a minute to read, have this;

anyways, so wattpad doesnt murder me for this being less than a minute to read, have this;

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i was talking about jams, but this is better, not so much a theft-proof cane, huh?

also, i dont live there, i just found that looking up stuff about lafayette

anyways, im tired as fuck, so a bit earlier than usual, why am i talking as if more than 2 people will read this

~ frog

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