Track 3 - Grow Up

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"I told him and to sick it
Out of town with a dime to my name
Said I'm done with all my fake friends
Self-righteous pawns in a losing game"

Hamilton's POV

I woke up from a nap, smelling... mac n cheese? It doesn't even smell like the good kind, it smells like the cheap one with the Donald Trump colored powder. I roll my eyes to myself and begin looking for my favorite hoodie. I kept looking through all the boxes. Where is it?!

"So I see you're finally awake, do you want to talk to me now?" Jefferson said, leaning against my doorframe. I silently rolled my eyes.

"Shush, I'm busy," I said. I gave up looking for it in my boxes.

WAIT! I left it at John's a week before we came here! I made a beeline to the door, not caring whatever Jefferson was saying. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Alexander Hamilton, where are you going?" Jefferson asked a bit stern, but not that stern tone in his voice. Not like, Washington stern, but definitely more than Lafayette stern.

"To pay John a visit," I said, still trying to walk away.

"John? John Laurens?" Jefferson asked

"Yes, now I need to see him," I said, finally getting out of his grip. I rushed to his and Laf's door. I knock a bit, before just choosing to call out.

"Jooohhnnn, I know you're there! It's only 6 pm, loser," I say. I hear footsteps, so I step away from the door and let John open it. when I see him, he has only pajama pants on.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Do you have the hoodie?" I asked eagerly.

"Maybe, hang on, let me get a shirt-" I cut him off.

"You don't have to, we've basically seen each other's dicks," I said, walking in.

"Alexander! What are you doing here?" Laf asked, sitting on their couch.

"I think John has something that's mine, so I'm going to take it back," I said, and Lafayette laughed a bit.

"I think it's in the box labeled 'Sweatshirts'," John said, as we walked into his room. I swear I think I saw him blushing. But it could be anything, so I ignored it. I opened the box he said it was in, and right on top was my hoodie.

Suddenly, I remembered something in one of the boxes I checked, so I excused myself. I grabbed an oversized shirt I had and put on my hoodie.

Whenever John would sleepover, I'd offer him my large shirts and he always loved them. So I thought I'd give him one as a dorm-warming gift.

I raced back, ignoring Jefferson and handed the shirt to John when I got back. He stared at me in disbelief.

"Alex, you didn't need to, as you said, you accidentally left it at my place, so don't give me anything!" John protested. When he tried to hand the shirt back, I didn't take it. I glanced up again and I swear to whatever deity that he was blushing. All I did was give him an old shirt.

I went back to my dorm and got a granola bar.

"What was that about?" Jefferson asked.

"Just a clothing mix up," I said. I didn't even look at Jefferson. I went to my room and pulled out my laptop.

I was bored and had nothing to do, so I decided to message Prof. Washington to ask if he could give me extra work before school started.

He shot back and said that I shouldn't work now and I should be getting used to the school. I groaned and closed my laptop and glanced at the clock by my bed. 7:47.

It feels too early to sleep but too late to do anything. Then I realized that I haven't made my bed since I got here. Well, there's something to do.

(WC: 658)

ok, ok, i know i dont usually include authors notes, but i just finished the hamilton movie (as of writing the story, not as of publishing it, today is the day of its release) and like, holy shit- i sobbed more than i did during the soundtrack, laurens interlude, elizas scream, elizas gasp, king georges existance, all of it, aaaaaah

its been a month since i wrote this, jesus christ- ig you can tell how long ive procrastinated writing and publishing stuff

anyways, have a nice day

~ frog

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