Track 2 - Now

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"Feels like I'm waking from the dead
And everyone's been waitin' on me
Least now I'll never have to wonder
What it's like to sleep a year away"

Jefferson's POV

I swing the door to my dorm open and call out, "Uh, hello?"

"GOD FUCKING DAMNIT, JEFFERSON-" I heard call out from a room. I rolled my eyes and head to that room to see no other than Alexander Hamil-fucking-ton. I cross my arms by his doorway, waiting for him to notice my presence. Without hesitation, he walked right by me, not even acknowledging me. I scoff and follow him.

"Wow, what a warm welcome to your new roommate," I say, sarcastically. I was met by a huff and the sound of channels flipping on the T.V.

I stood at the edge of the couch, looking at Hamilton just sitting on a small part of the couch, taking up as little space as possible. He looks so tiny, so huggable and pretty- hOLD UP, NO HE DOESN'T, NO, HE LOOKS PRETTY DAMN RUDE FOR IGNORING ME. Yeah, that's where it was going.

I huffed and went to get the rest of my stuff. When I get everything in and set, I decide to go see if Hamilton is ready to say hi.

When I reach the living area, he's passed out, now letting his legs reach out an extra seat. He looks so peaceful.

Know what? The couch is a bad place to sleep, I should bring him to his bed. He may not be nice to me, but that doesn't mean I have to be rude. Although... I was already rude to him in high school, I can see why he ignores me now...

I carefully pick him up bridal style and carry him to his room. It doesn't look that good. The curtains were wide open and his bed doesn't even have any sheets on it. I placed him down, thankfully not waking him, and closed the curtains. He can do the sheets later. I pat his hair and leave him be. I check the clock.


About time to make dinner, so I grabbed a box of mac n cheese that I took from home and start making it.

I swear, I love mac n cheese more than I love any human.

As I'm happily stirring in the orange cheese powder, I heard noises coming from Hamilton's room. I finished mixing the food then went to see what the commotion was about.

"So I see you're finally awake, do you want to talk to me now?" I asked, taking my place on the doorframe like I did when I first came.

"Shush, I'm busy," Hamilton said, rustling through his boxes. Once it seemed like he went through every box twice, he got up and hurried to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, but he ignored me. He reached the door when I grabbed him by the shoulder

"Alexander Hamilton, where are you going?" I said more sternly than the first time.

"To pay John a visit," he said, trying to get away from my grip.

"John? John Laurens?" I asked.

"Yes, now I need to see him," Alexander said, finally get out of my grip and going across the hall.

"Jooohhnnn, I know you're there! It's only 6 pm, loser," he called out. Eventually, John was there, only in pajama pants. They stood there, chatting a bit, then Hamilton just walked past him and into their dorm.

Once the door closed, I closed our door and started to eat the mac n cheese. When I was about halfway through, Hamilton came back, holding an oversized hoodie. He went into his room and left holding a large shirt. He left again, coming back not much longer.

"What was that about?" I asked, taking another bite of mac n cheese.

"Just a clothing mix up," he said, not even looking at me. I nodded and finished my bowl, putting it into the sink to wash later.

I looked over at Hamilton. He looked really cute and small in the hoodie. He glanced at me then grabbed a granola bar and rushed to his room. I didn't even register that I was blushing until I heard his door close.

(WC: 714)

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