Things falling apart

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Yash was quite happy in those days. There was a reason for his happiness indeed. He had gone through a lot in the span of just one and a half year. And now he was finally focusing on himself again.

Yash Sabharwal, son of Mahesh Sabharwal had a complete different life before. He had always been the brightest kid of his parents. He had always been very athletic and enthusiast also a complete adventure freak. As he was bright enough in both studies and athletics, his parents let him do whatever he wanted to do in his life. He chose his paths all by himself.

So, after completing high school, he went to Chicago for higher studies. There also he was the popular guy. Then he moved to Milan. There he began his wildlife photography roaming across the globe. He was also a great painter. He also did some work in various fashion shows and dated many women including some models and supermodels. Basically he was living all his dreams being free and adventurous.

But fate had some other plans for him.
The news came from home that, his mother had been diagnosed with Leukemia. She was in her last stage.

Both Yash and his older sister Jia who lived in New Jersey, with her husband and baby boy rushed to their dying mother.

It was impossible for them to believe the situation. Even after providing  the best treatment possible, their mother could not make it long. She died just after two months. The entire family was devastated. Another month passed, it was getting more and more difficult for Jia to postpone her return to NJ.  Both Jia and Yash were getting calls from work. But Yash knew, supporting his father was the thing that mattered the most at that time. So, he told his sister to go. Jia was feeling guilty for leaving her brother with all the responsibilities but she also had no other option. So, she had to leave.

Yash talked to his father about moving with him to Milan but they had large industries and business in the city. His father refused to go with him & told him to continue with his life. But Yash knew, it was impossible for him to leave his father and enjoy his life at that point. The only time he could head back to Milan was, when things would become little easy for his dad. He took the charge of their companies and work to give his father a break from all kinds of anxiety.

He was fighting with himself to handle the messed up situation perfectly. It was not easy for a person who had been living a complete different life before. But he was trying really hard to understand and manage the office work and also supporting his father emotionally. Though, he also needed mental support and a shoulder to lean on. Unfortunately he neither could express nor search for that kind of support.

A/N: That's all for now. Hope u liked it and wanna know rest of the story.

Lotsa love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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