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Alia is getting ready, when Aayan knocks on her door,"you ready?"

"Almost.." she says and hurriedly ties a messy bun,"I think I am forgetting something."

"Stop it Lia. You're not forgetting anything. You're just paranoid."

"A, what if I forget something or do something wrong?" She asks him taking her handbag and stuffing her phone and her cards inside.

"Lia, you are cooking and baking since you're seven. Get your butt out and get in the car. You'll be late otherwise. " He drags her out of her room and pushes her towards the car.

"You kept all the bags I gave you?"

"Ohh wait, I had to keep all the bags in the car? I thought it was to keep in the kitchen.." he sarcastically asks then when she starts to get upset smiles at her,"I kept everything you asked me too."

"Thank you.. "she sighs taking the seat in front Then she gets down,"give me a moment."

He rushes behind her and she walks to her parent's photo,"mom dad, you're both closer to God then me. Please pray that I do my best. Okay?"

She has been paranoid and freaked from the night she got the call from her friend and since then all she's been doing is having episodes of meltdowns. So much so that Aayan had to call Riddhima and Armaan in the middle of the night on monday. She was breathless and so worried that couldn't sleep and she woke him up and asked to taste all the pastries, doughnuts, puddings croissants, brownies and cookies she made at three in the morning. He finally had enough and called Armaan and asked him and Riddhima to come straight away.

She calmed down after Riddhima made her understand that no matter what she makes it will be good and she don't have to freak out. Riddhima had to stay with them and make the girl to go to sleep herself.

It took him two days and for their Riddhi maa just few minutes to calm her down. She even made Alia promise not to worry alot and just make what she always makes and knows, it's best.

And today, when he woke up, he found her sleeping on the couch with a new dessert recipe book on her stomach. He was sure she was up the whole night again so he picking her up, put her on her bed. Her workshop doesn't start till the evening, so he called Riddhima and asked all the stuff she'll need to take with her.He took a day off from going to the hotel. Javed can manage for a day.

Making a list, he arranged everything in a big box letting Alia have some good sleep. He even cleaned the house and ordered food for them both from out. Around 12 he woke her up and gave her a cup of coffee. She had it and had her bath then gave her the food he ordered and till then he made sure she doesn't check on the time.

But when she was done with all of that and she checked her phone, she again freaked out. But this time he was prepared. He learned from Riddhima how to calm Alia down. She is very low maintenance. So he made her promise he will be right there standing outside for her the whole time while she is inside and if she'll need anything he will do whatever is in his hands and make sure nothing bad happens.

"Lia, you trust me, everything will be just fine." He assures her holding her sweating hands. She nods nervously but doesn't say anything.

After thirty five minutes of drive, they both reach to the venue. Riddhima and Meher are already waiting for them. She rushes to them and hugs Riddhima tightly. Aayan smiles and taking the bags she has packed gives to the helper telling the details.

"A, where are the bags?"

"Lia, I am so sorry.. I forgot.."

"You what?" She looks at him with wide eyes," how did you forget. I told you umpteen times and you still forgot?"

THE RUNAWAY BRIDE (1ST BOOK IN BRIDE SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now