Chapter 23

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When Alex had dropped me home that night I was over the moon excited about the date we were to have the next day, and I wasn't doing anything to hide the giddiness off my face.

A soon as I walked into the house I walked into the living room after hearing faint sounds of the television. When I saw my mom who'd dozed off on the couch during the middle of a 'Grey's Anatomy' rerun, I smiled to myself and brought a warm blanket over her body. It had been so ling since I'd even last spoken to her, and I felt like telling her everything she'd missed —even about Alex. But I wasn't ready to tell her yet. At least that's what I kept telling myself. But I'd obviously have to end up telling my parents that I was bi SOME day, but no, not yet...

When I'd made sure Mom was comfortable, I got upstairs to my room, got changed and jumped into bed, just when I got a message on my phone.


 Wanna go out to the diner tomorrow?

I texted back with 'Love to :) ', and in no time I'd drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Waking up to the smell of bacon frying is one of the best ways to wake up. And knowing I'd be eating Mom's breakfast for the first time in MONTHS practically made my entire morning. And to top it all off I'd be going on a first date with Alex! I mean he didn't necessarily say it was gonna be a date but I suppose it is...??  

I quickly headed downstairs and saw Mom just setting up the table. Natalie wasn't here yet so I bet she was still asleep.

"Good morning Mom!"

"Good Morning sweetie oh my gosh let me get a look at you!" She quickly came to me and gripped my shoulders examining me, like she hadn't seen me in years. "Oh I've only been gone for a few months and you kids have grown so much!" Her eyes sparkled.

"You've barely missed anything mum..." I began and without even knowing it I'd caught her up on everything that wen't down at the tournament a few weeks ago, how school was going and how Natalie was doing in school. Well I basically told her everything she missed EXCEPT for about Alex. For some reason I was just scared. I knew they'd support me no matter what and I knew it'd just be a matter of time till I actually had to spill the beans.

"Hey mom?"

"Yeah sweets?" She said as she busily started setting food down on the table and gestured for me to sit.

"There's this person in school that I.... I think I like..."

Her eyes spun to me in an instant and you'd notice the happy gleam in her eyes from a mile away. "Oh my gosh baby that's amazing! Who is she? Is she pretty? What's her name? Is she your age? Ohh I'm sorry I'm just so excited right now! You HAVE to tell me everything." I watched as she dropped everything she was doing and came to sit down in the seat next to me, just to watch me expectantly.

I hesitated.

This would definitely be the most perfect time to tell her. And it's not exactly like I can get out of this conversation without mentioning that it's a guy so I don't think I'd be able to get out of NOT telling her I'm bi either...

"Um so that's the thing... I've been meaning to tell you for some time actually...."

I think she read the nervous look on my face and her bright eyes slowly turned curious and her brows furrowed slightly.

I took a deep breath and just closed my eyes.


"Baby what's wrong?"

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