Chapter 3

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It was very obvious that Alex was bored now. He got off his throne and started rummaging through all the equipment in the room.

The equipment room was just a plain old storage room that smelt of years of sweat and dirt. There was one single light hanging from the ceiling and obviously no fan or A/C, so to say it was hot would be an understatement. But I was thankful that there was more than enough room for both me and Alex to completely forget about each others' existence.

But of course Alex proved it to be very hard to pretend he wasn't there because he made so much noise as he displayed his boredom.

"Holy shit dude look at what I found." Alex said as he pulled out a dusty box from the very back of one shelf.

He held the box in one hand and slowly opened the lid with the other, and he pulled out a glass bottle.

"Is that..... beer??" I asked, bouncing off the yoga ball and walking towards him.

Alex was clearly overjoyed. He pulled out two bottles from the box, shoved the rest into my hands and sat back down in his throne.

"Are you sure you wanna be drinking that stuff?" I asked him skeptically.

"Jeez chill out Miller. It's just a little beer. Besides, it's not like anyone's gonna know." He smirked at me, almost as if trying to convince me that this was a good idea.

"We don't even know why it was here in the first place. Nah forget it. I'm not touching that stuff."

"Damn it Miller, you're such a goody-two-shoes," he retorted, rolling his eyes. "But as for me, I don't think I'm gonna be able to last tonight with you if I don't actually have any."

I rolled my eyes at him and put the box back on the shelf, wondering how the hell a box of beer could've been in the equipment room.

I went through the equipment in the room and started feeling like someone had actually been expecting people to get locked inside this room. For starters, there was the beer, which should never actually be in an equipment room. And secondly, I found a large yoga mat that at least three people could easily sleep on, two pillows and a really large blanket. Obviously the blanket wasn't needed in this boiling heat.

I laid the mat on the floor and lied down, hitting my head on the soft pillow,  I stared at the ceiling thinking about what Natalie would be doing at that very moment.

It felt like an entire hour had passed and I had heard nothing from Alex at all. Only the occasional sound of glass hitting the ground which was when, I presumed, Alex finished a bottle and moved on to the next. I wondered how many bottles he had finished and how drunk he actually was, when he finally spoke up.

"Miller, you up?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead"

There was a long pause.

"Alex?" I said, propping myself up on my elbows to look at him.

His shirt was removed now. And he was sitting close to the light so I noticed the sweat glistening down his abs that, might I add, looked almost like it was intricately carved into him. And though I basically fought myself not to look at him, I ended up staring, feeling an involuntary blush creeping up my face.

I shook my head hard trying to think of anything but Alex Moody's abs, and thanked the stars he was looking down and couldn't see me blushing profusely.

"Why do you hate me....?" It came out as such a small whisper that I'm sure I wouldn't have heard it if it hadn't been for how quiet the room was.

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