Chapter 27

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The next morning the loud ringtone of my phone woke me up from my dream of myself being on a Candy Island. I wriggled my body around to both grab my phone off the bedside table, and look at the clock.

5.00 am?? Really?? Who the hell.....

The Contact Id was bare so I was slightly skeptical about answering the call. But if someone called at five in the morning, maybe it was something important.

"Hello?" I said when I answered the call, and my voice definitely sounded like I'd just woken up.

"Shit I'm sorry did I wake you? Sorry I completely forgot there was a whole time zone thing here..."

I instantly sat up in bed, having lost all the sleep from me in literal seconds.


"Yeah. Hi." I could feel his smile through his voice.

Hearing his voice after so long gave me an instant adrenaline rush. He'd only been gone a few days and there were so many things I just wanted to tell him but for now, I started with, "You managed to find a phone??"

"Actually no, my mom just said I could talk to you one last time before my dad gets back from... wherever he went."

One last time huh.....

"Oh... Well, are you doing okay? Did you get to your school yet?"

"Nah not yet, we're still at the hotel. But I'm going in about an hour or so to move my stuff in."

"There probably won't be any way for me to talk to you from there, huh?"

I knew my voice sounded way too disappointed.

"I'm sorry..... I still have no idea what that place is like. Hopefully, they have payphones or something. Or I'll just have to resort to smuggling in a phone." he said, making me laugh.

"How long do you have to talk right now?"

"I'd say about ten minutes..."


I can't believe how selfish I was being. I finally had the chance to talk to Alex, and most likely it would be the last I speak to him in a VERY long time, and I'm just here sounding all depressed to him. He definitely wouldn't want to hear me like this right now.....

"Never mind that. How was school? Was everyone crying over the loss of their star football player?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

And I didn't have the heart to tell this boy that aside from myself and possibly a few others, no one had even seemed to notice.

"They were practically bawling their eyes out."

"I mean, you really don't have to exaggerate to that extent," he said and laughed again.

"But no, everyone really misses you. I think Zach's starting to sit with us at lunch too- said he still couldn't believe you were gone."

"Yeah I already talked to him, I told him he'd be the second person I'd come back to look for when I get back." I felt myself chuckle at that.

"Which reminds me, keep our hill occupied, please. I don't want the view to be lonely."

"Our hill?"

"Well it's just as much your hill as it is mine, now isn't it?"

"Okay yeah sure," I said, smiling at his words.

We were silent for a few seconds before I uttered an 'I miss you'.

I reeeeally wanted to tell him I love him. More than anything. But it just didn't seem like it would do any good right now, in the situation we were in. For one, being the first time I say it to him, I need to say it to his face and not over a call. But also, telling him I love him right when he's about to go into his new school and possibly lose any contact with me, wouldn't be right to him. He needs to be back for me to tell him.

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