Chapter 25

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The next entire month flew by before I even realised. And it had felt like a dream. 

I noticed that throughout this month Alex had started warming up to the fact that he was actually with a guy, and not a girl. We'd gone out on dates at least three times a week and once we actually ended up holding hands throughout the entire date. Everyday I started finding more and more things about Alex that make me fall even harder for him. 

Alex finally came over for dinner with Natalie and Mom and, mom even mentioned after dinner that she absolutely loved him. Natalie said she hears wedding bells-- a comment I purposely chose to ignore. 

But I don't think I can say the same for Alex: He still hadn't told his parents about the two of us, mainly because his dad is extremely homophobic. He has no idea how he'd react if he suddenly told him. I told him that he doesn't have to tell his parents if he's not ready yet. But he insisted that he couldn't possibly tell anyone but his parents first, and I get it. I just hope they don't overreact over Alex about it. 

Alex was supposed to come over in about two hours to have the Studio Ghibli Anime marathon I'd talked him into, even though he complained for a good 10 minutes saying he didn't want to watch 'cartoons' all day. 

But obviously I'd won that argument, seeing as he was gonna be here in a bit anyway. 

Two hours went by faster than I'd thought it would. But Alex was late. 

I waited. 

And waited. 

An hour later and he still didn't show up. 

I texted him to ask where he is, but fifteen minutes passed and he didn't even read my message. 

I was starting to get slightly worried so I called him. 

He picked up on the fourth ring, his voice dark and almost rude, as he snapped into the phone with a "Yeah?"

"Um Alex... You okay? I was worried you wer-"

"Sorry, I'm not coming over today."

"Oh wha-"

"I'm busy right now. I'll talk to you later."

Without another second he ended the call and he left me wondering what the hell was going on with him. 

I waited for a while, trying to give him a little space. It obviously sounded like something serious, so I wanted him to call me back at least. 

But when I didn't get nay word from him again, I called him once more: went straight to voicemail. 

I tried testing my luck and waited until the low beep rang and starting speaking. 

"Listen Alex, I obviously don't know what's going on, but it sounded a little serious, so if there's anything you need to talk about I'm here for you... Call me back... "

I dropped my phone onto my table and fell face down into my pillows. All I could do now was wonder what the hell happened to Alex. 

The next day came and we had school as usual. But still no sign of Alex. He hadn't replied pt my calls and texts either. I tried talking to Zach about it, but he just said he hadn't spoken to Alex all weekend. 

I was officially scared, so I thought I should definitely stop by Alex's house after school. I stuck it through the rest of the day and after school practically raced to his house. For some reason I got more and more nervous as I came closer to his place. 

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