Chapter 11

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Finally the day before the big sports championships was here and I was way too busy buzzing around the house collecting my equipment. I had meant to pack it all up the night before but I just forgot. 

At least a whole two hours later I was done and ready to rest but I had only ten minutes to get to school before the bus left so I rushed through the house, jumping into a pair of jeans and slipping on a white t-shirt. I quickly hopped into the car after giving Nats a wave goodbye, and sped through the streets. I was fully aware that I was driving way past the speed limit but I was in no way ready to drive for six hours. Alone. In my very VERY old car. When I got to school everyone was already in the coach and ready to leave, our coach standing on the steps of the coach looking terribly pissed. 


"Sorry Coach it won't happen again..."


I slowly slid past Coach's bellowing face and headed inside the warmer bus full of loud and hormonal teenage boys.

The girls' teams had their matches a day after us so they wouldn't come in the same bus as us, which got most of the guys a little cranky. 

I slipped my backpack into the last remaining space. on the shelves and scanned the bus for a seat. Noticing an empty spot in the middle near the window, I sat down and pulled my phone out, just as it started vibrating and Kathy's name popped up on the screen. 

"Jakey?"Her cheerful voice squeaked into the phone when I answered it.

"Hey Kath," I smiled a smile to myself. "I just got onto the bus.."

"Yeah I know... I know it's cheesy but.... look out your window"

I turned to window and peered through the slightly foggy glass. Kathy stood in front of her larked car a little away from the bus, cutely waving at me, her sunflower yellow dress slightly blowing around her to the wind. 

I smiled at the thought of her coming all this way to see me off and gave her a big wave back. 

"I just... thought I could maybe be able to see you off....? After all I won't be seeing you for an entire week.." She gave me a sheepish smile from across the car park and I chuckled at how cute this all was. 

"Ahem.." I heard a cough from behind me and turned to look around at Alexander's slightly angered face.

"This is the only seat left" he said, looking like he'd rather have been anywhere else but there.

"Um," the sudden butterflies when he first saw me today, slightly fading the more I looked at his annoyed expression. "Go ahead" I replied and rolled my eyes at him, bringing the phone back to my ear. 

"Jake? Babe? Try not picking any fights with Alex just for this week, okay?" Kathy instructed me sweetly making me laugh.

"I can only try" 

"Okay well looks like you're about to leave, so call me when you get there I guess...?"

"Yup for sure. Cya Kaths" I smiled and waved at her, getting a gigantic wave in response making me smile. But I heard a snort from behind me just as the bus jerked forward, and everyone cheered as we finally started moving. 

"What?" I looked at Alex questioningly, his face looking impressed but annoyed at the same time. 

"Ohh nothing, don't mind me" 

"What is it?"

"I don't know it's just that I find it a little amusing that a little fag like you is trying to deny his gay feelings and just give straight relationships a go" he smirked and it felt like the entire bus stopped talking, eventhough they were as loud as ever and I prayed none of them had heard what Alex and just said. 

It felt like pins were just pricking at my heart at how easily Alex was playing with my feelings and throwing insults at me. 

"Okay what the fuck is your problem Moody?" 

"Oh no no, I have not problem here. I just find it a little interesting that's all." 

My heart wanted to beat out of it's chest in frustration and anger, and all my hands wanted to do was punch him in the face. But my mind was not having it because no matter how irritating he was being, he looked deathly gorgeous in black jeans and a thin white shirt that seemed to cling onto his stomach, accentuating his abs, and his gorgeous curly brown hair that curled over his forehead. I wanna brush it away and look at his captivatingly blue eyes. But his eyes were different today. They were darker. He was very angry at something, or someone, and his violently stormy eyes showed all of it. But it just made him look all the more sexier And his lips. His perfect lips that always seemed to fit in perfectly with mine. Those lips that had tasted like peppermint and alcohol every single time I had kissed him. I want to kiss him now. Really really  badly.

He caught me staring. His eyes drowned me in a sudden mix of rage and amusement. He licked his lips making my eyes instantly flick to them. I gulped.

And then there was smirk on his face, as he looked at me almost disappointedly, and then broke away his stare to reach into his bag for his earphones. He plugged them into his ears, pressed something on his phone and without another word he had his head on his lap as he silently dozed off.

I simply stared at his unmoving figure, and then out the window. I felt myself blocking out the noise of the bus and focusing on Alex's silent breaths. My nose took in the familiar scent that always seemed to follow only Alex. And it wasn't long before my eyelids grew heavy and I succumbed to sleep.


Guysss!! I know it's been literally forEVER but I'm really trying , sorry it's been super hectic  :(

Just know that I won't be posting as frequently as I used to but I haven't forgotten about this story and I hope you haven't either!! :))

And almost 500 views??? that's more than I could've ever imagined myself ever getting 😂😂

But thank you sooo much guys hope you enjoyed this one tooo <3


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