Chapter 10

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A/N - OKAY! Now before you start reading this i just want you to know that i was rushing, and i was tired and it's overall quite short compared to the other chapters. Just a heads up. And sorry I'm late again ugh i've just been so busy :<

Yeup this is my first beginning of the chapter A/N. I don't even know why I'm doing this.... OH RIGHT. It's because I'm desperate for attention. *awkward laugh....* 

Yeah well here you go. Once again.... Vote and Comment pleaze thankyouuuu :333


Come Monday morning, I was sitting in my first class of the day – English – and was waiting for Jeremy to show up. I had made it to class way earlier than usual for some reason, and I knew it would probably be a while before Jeremy, or anyone else for that matter showed up. I outstretched my arms on my table and laid my head on it attempting to get some sleep. And I almost succeeded until I heard the sound of the door opening, footsteps ruffling g a little... and then nothing. I lifted my head up to find out who it was.

Alex was staring back at me like I was something who had just gotten back from the dead. And then all too soon, he averted his gaze and walked over to my row, and sat in the last seat from me. He looked so uncomfortable it almost hurt that he was like this because of me.

I just sat there watching him while he awkwardly opened his book and started scribbling something down furiously. He was at it for quite a few minutes until he slowly turned to look up at me. And until then I didn't know I was still looking at him (No I wasn't being a creep *deep eye roll*).

"What?" He half shouted a little too harshly, making my eyes widen a little. And I swore I could've heard him mumbling a small "sorry..." as he looked back down to his books.

"No soccer practice today Mr. Moody?" I ask him slightly smiling at the irony of the nickname. (A/N: Cuz he's Moody and he's being moody.... Get it?! *awkward smile*)

He turns back to me, his hard expression softening a little as I try making conversation. "Yeah.... Got cancelled cuz coach wanted us to take a break before all out training for the rest of the week. Yours cancelled too?"

"Yeah... same reason. Wow I don't think I've ever been at class this early," I smile and run a hand through my hair. "It's so weird...."

Alex chuckled lightly, showing me his cute smile yet again. And for a few seconds I'm too mesmerized by his smile to comprehend his words. "Yeah, super weird. I woke up way too early this morning and had no idea what to do for at least a half hour."

The air around us seemed much lighter now. We were both smiling and it felt good. But it also felt so bad at the same time. Alex is so frustrating simply because he's dead straight. And he was clearly annoyed and disgusted after we had made out for the second time in a week. And I wanted to stop thinking about him before he got into my head and I started liking him. But he was definitely making it hard for me.

I wanted to forget we had anything between us and go back to being enemies, no matter how hard it would prove to be. I wanted him to think I didn't think anything of what happened in the equipment room and at the party, even if that wasn't true.

"I'm going out on a date with that girl from the party that day –Kathy. Going to the town fair after school today."

I was curious to see Alex's reaction so I looked at him the entire time while saying it. He slowly turned to me and I tried to put on my best 'I'm-so-excited' face. He didn't say anything for a few seconds. "That's amazing.... This is like the first time you're actually going out on a date with someone since getting into high school right?" He giggled slightly and I felt myself slightly blushing again.

"Yeah yeah. Well, in my defense, all the girls here are just two timing, makeup obsessed – Excuse my language — sluts. But Kathy's actually really nice. Hates pineapples on pizzas. And that's DEFINITELY something I look for in a lover ya know" I reply with a playful wink and Alex bursts out laughing. And I join in. When we had both calmed down, and Alex looked a little serious again.

"I thought you were batting for the other team though. What's up with going out with a girl?" He looks genuinely curious.

I raise my eyebrow at his use of sports to refer to my sexuality.

'Cuz I wanna go out with you but you're straight, you dumbass' I wanna say.

"I told you. I like BOTH girls AND guys. It's really not that complicated" I smile a little awkwardly. Alex simply nods his head. Just as I was about to say something again, the door opened again and Jeremy walked in, his arm around a cute giggling blondie.

"Heyyyy Jake g'morning" He sees Alex then. "ooooo look who it is. Its Alexander Moody in the houseeeee." Jeremy gave Alex a huge smile and Alex gave him a small awkward one back and looked down at his books again. Jeremy looked at me with his eyebrows up and an amused expression on his face. I simply shrugged and smiled. He puts the hand that he had removed back around the tall blonde girl and whispered something in her ear, making her giggle even more.

The two kept whispering at each other and giggling and teasing each other, it was getting too cringy to watch, so looked over to Alex who also seemed to be weirded out by the antics of the two in front of us. I watched him raise his eyebrows in confusion and I stifled a laugh.

He's just too cute.

Why the hell am i so attracted to him UGHHH it's so frustrating.

Alex looked over at me then and smiled. A genuine toothy and bright smile. And there was nothing I wanted more at that moment than to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him like nobody was watching. Like we were the only people in the room. Like Alex actually liked me. I wanted to kiss him like we were two people who really really liked each other. I just wanted to be able to kiss him again.

And then the bell rang. And within seconds the class was full. Jeremy said goodbye to the girl and she left, him taking his seat next to me.

The teacher walked in and greeted all of us. She opened her textbook and started reciting out of it. But I had the urge to look over at Alex again, and I couldn't seem to fight it off.

I looked at him, and he was looking in front.

But then he turned to my side and was staring into my eyes again, as if he could feel my eyes on him.

It lasted for at least ten seconds, until he pulled away and started furiously writing in his book again.

And when he looked away, I almost thought I saw a blush spread across his beautifully tan cheeks.


But that's not possible.

It'll never happen. 

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