Chapter 15

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The championship was over an it was probably the longest week I have ever gone through. Our team won the game by a single basket and we had celebrated that same night: even soccer players. Everyone but Alex. Obviously I didn't expect him to talk to me after our interaction but I figured he'd at least show up to the very loud dinner at the hotel, but he didn't. I only saw him the next morning when we were to get back home. He sat right in the back of the bus with his earphones in and was staring out the window. And I just took a front seat, as far away from him as possible. He seemed like he needed space. 

Back home everything was the same, except Nat had invited two of her friend's over and they were watching a movie. 

'Jake!! Hey! Welcome back, how did the game go?' Nat jumped off the couch and ran to give me a hug. 

'It was pretty awesome, we won by a single basket' I gloated. 

'AHA! I knew you'd win. Anyway have you eaten? Cuz there's a pie in the fridge if you're in the mood for some. '

'Oh yeah sure okay. I'll grab that later. '

And then a familiar voice from the kitchen yelled out.

'Hey Nat, which flavour ice cream did you say you wanted? Cuz there's only chocolate and vanilla an --- Jake...? OMG yOU'RE BACK!!'

Kathy ran and jumped into my arms, hugging me so tight I could barely breathe. 

'Kath.....?! Hi I didn't know you would be here...! You hang out with my sister?' I was beyond surprised. Kathy was probably the last person I expected to see when I got home. 

'Yeah, well I came by to drop off your hoodie that I borrowed a few days ago,'  wait... when did you borrow my hoodie...?  'and she just invited me to join them from a movie marathon. Anyway do you want to go up and talk? I haven't seen you in an entire week! Especially since I figured you were probably too busy to call me...' She gave me a bit of a sad smile and her head drooped. 

'I'm so sorry for not calling you, it was just so hectic there I didn't even realise it when the week finished', I lied. I couldn't tell her that my mind was too over come with thoughts of Alex and our kiss. I should've told her, but I couldn't.

'Yeah... well it's fine at least you're home now. You're probably really tired right now, why don't you just take a shower and get some rest. I'll whip something up small for you and your sister for dinner and I'll head off.' Her smile was smile, but so genuine and loving. I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve her love at all. And to think I only chose to date her to forget about Alex disgusted me. Now I kinda wish I never agreed to dating her, cuz I know for a fact that she's gonna get hurt even if I don't want to hurt her. 

'Thank you' I just mustered up the best smile I possibly could and carried myself up the stairs and into the shower. Thirty minutes and a warm and comforting bath later, Kathy had left and Nat was clearing up the living room, where they'd had their movie marathon. I walked into the kitchen to see a small container of pasta with a small not on top of it : 'It isn't much but I hope this will make you feel better after the long trip. ~Kath'

'Kath whipped that up while you were in the shower. It tastes amAZING. She might be a keeper' Nat winked at me. 

'Actually, I needed to talk to you about that...'

'Yeah sure what's up?' Sh was washing a few dishes but turned to look at me. 

I sat down on one of the bar stools and opened up the container of pasta. I had no clue how I was gonna tell her about Alex. 

'Um... I... I like someone... but it's not Kath...' 

She stopped washing the dishes and turned to me, her eyebrows slightly raised. 

'Oh..? Who is it?'

'See, that's the complicating part.. '

'Is it a guy..? Cuz if it is I already know that you like boys so I don't see why you're stressing out so much to tell me...'

'No, I mean, yeah it's a boy but it's just this specific individual that just makes things more complicating...' 

'What do you mean?' 

'Um... I'm not sure honestly... I mean I like the guy and we've already kissed like three times but he's just-' 

'You kissed a guy THREE times and you're only telling me this NOW??' She pretended to be angry about it.

'Well yeah cuz... I don't know he's just not the person anyone would ever expect me to like...'

She was silent for a few seconds. 'Is it Alex?'. I knew she'd figure it out sooner or later so I didn't take it as a surprise when she guessed. I stared at my hands and nodded. 

'Jake it's really okay to like Alex. I mean it is unexpected that you'd have a crush on you enemy but it's completely normal to have feelings for him. '

'Well, yeah.. but the thing is he's straight. And the other night in the hotel he flat out rejected me, and it hurt a lot more than it should've. And the worst part is I only started dating Kathy to get over those feelings but it's definitely not working and it's just making me feel like a dick for doing that to her. She's so amazing and I'm just... just using her.'

Nat came over to my side of the counter and took my hands in hers. I looked into her eyes and all I saw was my mom. Nat has been there for me through everything when our parents weren't. She was the only person I could turn to when things were bad, even though she was younger than me, and I loved her more than anything in the world. 

'Jake, if Alex doesn't want to turn for you, then he has nooo idea who he's missing out on. You're one of the most nicest people on the planet and HE'S a dick for not seeing that. For not accepting you no matter what gender you are.' I felt my eyes slightly starting to water.

'And about Kathy, I think you should talk to her. Tell her the truth. She isn't the type of person to hold a grudge. She'll definitely accept you. It will definitely hurt her but it would be better than keeping it a secret and using her. That'll only hurt you even more.'

Nat was right. I needed to talk to Kathy. I had to do it soon. So I made up my mind to talk to her the next morning in school, and it would hopefully all be over.

I was nervous as heck the next day and I had many moments where I almost changed my mind about talking to her. But before I could, I grabbed my phone when I had finished getting ready and sent her a text.

7.12am - Hey Kath, just wanted to know if we could talk before school starts today.. Could you meet me in the parking lot by 7.45?

7.15am - Yeah sure. I'll see you there :)

There was no turning back now. 


Hey guysss

School's out cuz of the corona virus so I guess I'll have much more time to write up a few chapters within the next two weeks :) 

But please stay safe everyone  <3


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