Chapter 2

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"Nice work boys!! I love that spirit! Keep up the good work and I'll see everyone here tomorrow morning!" The coach concluded and the entire huffed off the ground happily except for me and Jeremy.

"Okay boys, now I know that this is gonna be your first tournament since you two only just got the captaincy and the vice-captaincy and at first it may be a little hard to handle things around here by yourselves," Coach directed at us after we had gathered all the equipment we had used. "But I need you boys to make up two different game plans for our first match against Jefferson High. I trust you two to know how their school plays by now. And I need you to get it done by this weekend. If you have any questions you two can go ahead and call me. Do you think you'll be able to handle it?"

Me and Jeremy looked at each other and then back at Coach. "Yes Coach" we replied simultaneously.

"Good. Now have a good evening" Coach said with a smile and left the gym, while Jeremy and I packed the balls into the net bags.

By the time we finished chatting about how we'd do our game plans and finished packing up the rest of the equipment, Jeremy's phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and answered it.

"Hola mama... ¿Oh enserio?... ¿espera?... ¡Pero mama!... multa....Te veo en casa. Te amo mama. "

Jeremy ended the call and walked back over to me with a small sad pout on his lips.

"Sooooo that was my mom.... My dad came back home today so she wants to give him a feast again. She does this every week." He said with a small eye roll and a smile.

I let out a small chuckle. "Don't worry I can handle this."

"I'm so sorry dude. I'll pay you back with ice cream after practice tomorrow for sure" he told me as he ran towards the direction of the locker rooms.

I laughed as I watched him run off.

I picked up the ball bags in one hand and the cones in the other. Thankfully we hadn't needed much equipment today. I wasn't really in the mood for two trips to the equipment room.

I walked down a few hallways, equipment in hand, to the equipment room. But the second I got there I wanted to turn around and run back to the court. And I really would've if it weren't for Alex's voice flowing into my head again.

"Out of the way Miller. Carrying heavy stuff here, unlike you"

I looked down at the things he was carrying.

"You're carrying the exact same things as me. We just have different balls" I looked at him quizzically.

"Yeah? Well, my balls are heavier."

I was holding back my laughter with the greatest difficulty.

"You sure about that Alex? Because last I checked, you didn't exactly have any to begin with"

He glared at me, obviously speechless, and he stormed into the equipment room.

I followed in behind him, a huge smirk on my face. 

We arranged our equipment in utter silence. The air was just too full of tension to even make fun of Alex.

Suddenly we heard the door close, its sound echoing through the room.

My head instantly twisted around to find Alex's eyes –and it seemed like we both had the same thought. We both ran towards the door and pushed.

It was locked.

Someone must've thought that nobody was inside and closed the door.


Alex started yelling at the door while I instantly dug into my pockets trying to look for my phone. But I remembered that my phone was in my locker. With nothing left to do, I joined in with Alex and started screaming for help.

After at least ten minutes of screaming our brains out, we gave up. I slumped down onto a yoga ball and Alex made himself a throne (of sorts) out of cardboard boxes and lounged in it.

I stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds not knowing what we could possibly do to get out of this, until Alex broke the silence.

"Hey Miller?"


"I think we're stuck in here for the night"

"No shit Sherlock"

I rolled my eyes at his obviousness, but secretly wished I was anywhere but in this room. Honestly, being locked in an equipment room alone would be ten times better than being locked in an equipment room with Alex Moody.After all, he was my rival. And so was I to him. 

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