Chapter 8

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Alex looked super sweaty and obviously super drunk. His hair was a mess, his face was completely flushed and he reeked of alcohol.

His hand paused as he was about to knock by the time I opened the door. He looked at me with a blank face for a few seconds and slowly broke into a wide smile, and his hand that was still in mid-air dropped onto my chest.

"Heyyyyyy Jaaaaaake!!" His speech was completely slurred. "How are you?" he said grinning from ear to ear.

I remained silent. I didn't know what to think because first of all, the drunk Alex that was standing in front of me looked too hot to comprehend. Since the kiss I had started seeing him weirdly. I noticed the tiny things that I never usually did. And on a normal day after no make-out incident, I would have just been disgusted by how Alex was at that moment. But right now, my heart was thumping. Really loud. He just looked so cute.

Alex's expression turned angry all of a sudden.


My heart was beating waaay too fast. He was looking for me? Why?

Alex harshly pushed my chest, sending me stumbling back into my room as I struggled to keep my balance. He came in after me and closed the door. He was walking straight but you could tell that he was drunk. He walked past me and dropped himself on my bed, sitting up but slightly swaying. He stretched his arm out and motioned for me to sit down next to him.

I hesitated for a minute. The last time we were close to each other, Alex ended up kissing me. And I hadn't resisted it. Because I had liked it.

I made my way over to him slowly and sat down beside him. He gave me warm smile that my stomach flip, and rested his head on shoulder. He reached out for my half empty beer can and took a swig out of it.

"Who was that girl you came down with?"

I thought for a moment.

"What girl?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Don't play dumb Miller. I saw you bring a brunette upstairs and you guys didn't come back down for at least an hour. What the hell could you have done with the woman for that long?" There was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Which left me confused. Why was HE annoyed?

But I made light of the situation and snorted. "Why do YOU wanna know? Were you jealous?" I lightly laughed, as Alex stayed quiet for a moment.

"...... Maybe......"

My head slowly turned towards him. His head wasn't on my shoulder anymore. He was sitting sluched and he was just looking at the ground rather sadly.

There was more silence.

"Um... Jake, you remember when I accidentally kissed you that night in school?"

My breath caught in my throat,

"Yeah.......?" I managed. He turned his head towards me and our eyes locked. His eyes seemed different from the other day. It was still a beautiful oceanic blue but it seemed to keep becoming a darker shade of blue, the longer he looked at me. The gold specs in his eyes had disappeared now. My eyes didn't leave his, and I felt myself drowning deeper and deeper into them.

"I think..... After that night........ That kiss was just......" He paused, unsure if he should continue. I had no idea what to say. My ears seemed to have drowned out all the background noise and focused only on Alex. I could even his rather deep breathing. That, and his red, hot and flustered face made my heart beat faster than it ever did before. I was sure Alex could hear my heart beating against my chest so loudly. He took a deep breathe, and continued.

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