Chapter 22

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We didn't drive for too long before Alex pulled to a stop in front of a rather familiar building.

"Isn't this Zach's house?"

It seemed much brighter and grander in the day. Hardly even recognisable.

"Yup, it is. Come on." Alex stepped out of the car and crossed the road towards the house, and I had no choice but to follow. I actually wouldn't entirely mind getting to be in Zach's study room again, since we were going to his house again.

But when Alex stepped off the path to the front door and started crossing the grass to the side of the house, I got all confused again.

"Why aren't we going through the front? Like normal guests?"

"You and your dumb questions Miller. Just follow me." So I did.

I walked behind him around the pool and crossing Zach's ginormous backyard that somehow seemed much smaller last night. When we got to the short stone wall that went right around the backyard, Alex hoisted himself onto it with his forearms and jumped over.

"Okay, you definitely know this is trespassing right??"

I heard him scoff, but he didn't say anything and continued down a small mud path. We walked for about a minute until we passed a few tall trees into a massive clearing --the plot of flat land curved down into a huge slope right down into the city that seemed so small from up here. I wasn't sure if Zach owned this part of this land as well but if he does, then his house is practically a mountain.

"Wanna sit? It might not be for a few hours?"

"What won't be for a few hours?"

"You'll see"

"So you're really not gonna tell me?"

"Where's the fun in that?" I saw the smirk on his face. He wasn't even gonna hide it. He was enjoying teasing me.

Well of course he was.

I watched him walk right up to where the ground sloped down, and he sat. Without looking at me he patted the spot next to me and I naturally went and sat next to him. And we just sat there in front of the best view of the sky I've seen in the entire city. We'd just missed the sun setting from the horizon, but right then we got to view the beautiful reds and oranges and purples slowly fade into the dark blue of the night. One by one dots of lights appeared in the city below from buildings and cars. It seemed so busy but the city noise barely reached the height we were at.

"Why aren't we calling Zach?" I said breaking our length of silence.

"He's already seen this a thousand times. And I'm pretty sure you haven't."

"You are seriously perking my curiosity now, what the hell are we doing here Alex??"

When his reply just came as a loud laugh I couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration.

The stars were just starting to peak through the light. and I felt weirdly calmer than I'd felt in so long. A completely different feeling from when I was in Zach's library.

"This place," I turned to look at him. The colours of the sky were falling on to his face and the only thing I was thinking about at that moment was that Alex Moody was inexplicably gorgeous.

"This place has been mine and Zach's secret spot for years. Since Junior school, when we'd first met."

"Secret spot?"

"Yup. Neither of us have ever told anyone about this place. Until you."

I seriously hoped Alex couldn't hear my heart trying to slam out of my chest.

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