Chapter 7

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With the first ring of the doorbell, came at least ten people together. Then some people from the soccer team, and each had a girl clinging to their arms. But Alex wasn't with them. Come to think of it, I hadn't actually thought about the fact that Alex would actually be here. But since we made up last morning, he'd probably go back to his usual party self, where he drinks too much and ends up having sex with too many girls.

I sat on a bar stool in the kitchen, watching as people started flooding into the house. By 8pm the house was full, music was blaring far too loud for my comfort and people were already getting drunk.

I squeezed through dancing bodies all the way from the kitchen to the backyard door and quickly made my way outside hoping to get at least a little more peace, only to face even more people either dancing, drinking, or cannonballing into the pool.

I groaned slightly and decided to just spend the night in my room. It would be WAY more interesting that whatever was happening here.

I had never been much of a party person. At least, not this kind of party. This was just too much alcohol, slutty girls and loud music.

I moved back into the kitchen, where some guys were trying to open a beer keg. I honestly didn't even wanna ASK where they got their hands on one of those. So I slowly slipped behind them and opened the fridge. And obviously the entire fridge had been raided, shy of a few vegetables. I closed the fridge after grabbing a can of beer. Why have a party in the first place if you're not gonna have any beer right?

I tried sipping out of the kitchen unnoticed but ended up being pulled back in by a slightly short brunette. I recognized her instantly. She was Roy Mason's girl. For a few years now, this girl had been flirting with me, and no matter how many times I tried to show uninterested in her I was, she kept coming back. And obviously Roy was not happy. He was the star quarterback of the football team and he thought he was all that. He had even threatened me once for 'trying to steal his girl', and I brushed him off, for which he was extremely mad about. I found it extremely ridiculous that he would think I would want her as my girlfriend.

"Oh my Gosh Jake! HI! I didn't expect to see you here! You're not really a party person...." The girl's brown eyes were glistening under the lights. She was quite pretty. She could have been a nice person to date had it not been for her slight (forgive my language) sluttiness.

"Um... this is my house...?" I replied, a little annoyed at her dumb question.

"Well. yeah silly but I didn't expect to actually see you the entire night..." She said back, her flirtatious smile so wide, I could've sworn I could see all her teeth.

I ignored her and my eyes looked over her head towards the crowd and I almost instantly spotted the freakishly tall and bulky boy.

"Hey Mason!"

His head instantly turned to me at the sound of his name.

"Mind getting your girl off me?" I shouted over the music.

His mood instantly turned dark. The girl pouted her lips up at me and playfully furrowed her brows.

"Aw you're no fun Jakey" She said and skipped over to Roy, wrapping her thing arms around his bulky one and pretending like she didn't just go flirt with a man who was not her boyfriend.

I ignored the glare Roy was giving me with a roll of my eyes and I squeezed back through a few people to get back upstairs. I was almost at the foot of the stairs, when a kinda quiet voice called my name from behind me.

"Um.... Jake....?"

I turned around to face a cute girl with shoulder length deep brown hair and dark black eyes. She was at least a head shorter than me so I had to look down at her when she spoke. I remembered her from this morning –she was the one who was struggling to fill up the pool floater.

She looked nervous when she spoke, a blush building up on her face every time she looked up at me.

"I'm Kathy... and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get something to drink..?"

She was looking at the floor, clearly too embarrassed to be in front of me. I gave her a gentle smile.

"Well I actually got myself a drink a little while ago....." I said gesturing to my can of beer.

She looked a more than a little disappointed.

"Oh okay...."

As she turned to leave I slightly felt bad for her. She clearly seemed like a super shy person but she mustered up all the courage to come talk to me. Which I admired.

"But I wouldn't mind someone to talk to...."

She instantly turned around and gave me a small but cute smile, and a small nod of her head.

I showed her to my room, and closed the door behind me. I instantly saw her change of expression. It was obvious she hadn't been to a teenage boys' room. She looked way too stiff.

"Um... if you don't like this we could talk outside you know..."

"No!" She said too fast. "I mean... No... this is fine....." She looked embarrassed but I gave her a reassuring smile, helping her relax a little.

Kathy and I talked for at least an hour, and I surprisingly didn't hate her company as much as I did with the other cheerleaders. We talked about how she transferred to this school because of her dad's job, and that she joined the cheers thinking they were cool people to hang out with. I held back a snort at that moment, but she seemed to like them so I didn't say anything about it. She told me about how her life was like back in her old home town and how she really missed her friends. It honestly felt nice to talk to someone other than my sister, who didn't make up a bunch of stories about herself to act cool, and a person whose every sentence was a flirty remark.

At around 10.30, Kathy said she had to head back home so I walked her out, through all the sweaty people and told her I'd see her in school.

I made my way back into the kitchen to grab another can of beer. I had finished the first one during my conversation with Kathy and seeing as it was still 10.30pm, I felt like I needed another one.

I opened the fridge and got a can, and slowly tried getting back to the safety of my bedroom.

I may sound a little dumb and unadventurous and crazy for being one of the most popular boys in school and ditching a high school party, but really, that wasn't my kind of thing. I'd rather read a book than be at a loud party like this.

So I yet again squeezed myself through the crowd and got back to my room.

I had making the game plan last night so I didn't really have anything to do. So I opened up my can of beer, took out my sketch book and pencil and started drawing.

Since I was little, I had loved to draw. And I think I'm pretty good at it too. But naturally the only person who knows about it is Natalie.

I was sketching for what felt like at least two hours, when I heard a loud banging noise on my door.

I really really didn't want to open it. It was definitely a drunk couple who's in the mood to have sex.

Well not today. I ignored it.

The thumping grew louder by the second. And after about a minute, the person still hadn't left. Annoyed, I dropped my sketch book on my bed and swung the door open, and the sight i saw was definitely not what  was expecting to see. 

It was Alex. And he was completely drunk. Again. 


Sorry this chapter was late hehe...

Putting out the next chapter in a few minutes since i had time today :3

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