Chapter 1

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I opened my locker and pulled out my clean uniform just as our coach walked in.

"Good practice today boys. If we keep this up, the tournaments next weekend will be a walk in the park." He said, beaming rather proudly.

A series of 'Thanks Coach's and sighs of relief were heard by all the players.

I grabbed my towel and headed to the showers hoping to start the morning peacefully.

"Ugh, why are you always here when I need a shower"

I habitually rolled my eyes at the voice that came from behind me. I didn't need any help on figuring out who the owner of the voice was because it was a voice I was far too familiar with and had grown to resent over the years –it was Alexander Moody, the captain of the soccer team.

Since I first transferred to Westside Preparatory in middle school, Alex had always just hated my guts. At first, we were both just two boys who were good at socializing and was really good at sports (Alex played and soccer and I played basketball). But when we were in high school Alex was offered the captaincy of the soccer team and I got to captain the basketball team. And somehow, I ended up with all the attention from the girls.

Little did he know that I wasn't really into all of that as much as he was. I mean, don't get me wrong –I loved hot girls as much as the next hormonal teenage boy, but I was bi. And nobody knew this except for my sister Natalie, who was two years younger than me.

But of course, no matter how hot Alex might've been, I'd always hated him the way he hated me. I don't think either of us knew WHY we hated each other. We just did.

"Aw what's the matter Moody? Forget to drink your glass of milk this morning did you?" I asked him like i was talking to a baby, earning a few snickers from the people around us.

"Screw you Miller" he spat back with a deadly glare.

I quickly got into my uniform (which consisted of a trouser, a shirt with our schools' logo embossed on the pocket and a tie which was always hung loosely around my neck because I was never bothered enough to tighten it), I packed up my practice bag and put it in my locker for afternoon practice, and I left for my first class before Alex could say anything more to me.

When I got to my first class, the professor wasn't there yet and the class was so loud it could be heard from two hallways down.

As soon as I walked in, I heard the flirtatious voices of most of the girls.

"Oh Jake you must be so tired after practice" one of them said to me with her obvious fake pity. "Come sit by me today, I'll make you feel less tired" she said giving me a small wink. I couldn't stop myself from internally rolling my eyes. Instead I gave her a small smirk that I hoped she'd be satisfied with. 

She took my hand and pulled me to a seat she had apparently saved just for me. And being the nice person (I thought) I was, I obliged and sat next to her, trying to listen to all the unwanted  compliments that her and a few of the other girls were giving me. 

"Well well well. Ladies, Good morning." Came my best friend Jeremy's voice, and a few of the girls giggled. I rolled my eyes at them. Externally this time. 

"Hey there Lizzy" Jeremy told the girl who had pulled me to sit next to her, and gave her a wink. She instantly perked up and looked at him excitedly, and I tried not to face palm then and there. "Do you mind if I sit at your seat today? I was kinda hoping I could sit next to Jake this morning" Jeremy told her with a small pout.

Lizzy looked from Jeremy to me and thought about Jeremy's question hard for at least 15 seconds, until she gave a small nod of her head and half muttered a 'sure'. 

When Jeremy sat down I leaned closer to him and whispered "Thanks a bunch man"

"No problem mate. You looked so uncomfortable I felt like I had to help."

I gave him a small laugh. 

The girls were still around us, but they were talking to Jeremy more. I watched how well he spoke to all of them and how he made them laugh, even though he too didn't like any of them. Sometimes I envied how well he socialized with everyone. 

When the professor finally came to the class, I ended up not paying attention to a thing he said as usual. It was English class. I've never listened to my professor but I've also never failed English. So I doubt I'll be listening to him anytime soon. 

My eyes drifted to the clock on the wall above the white board. It was still 8:50 am. AKA - a REALLY long time till school was over. 

I sighed and slumped into my chair, wishing the day would end faster, and silently laughing at Jeremy's failing attempts at trying to pay attention to the professor. 

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