Chapter 26

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School went ahead as if they hadn't just lost their best football player. I mean didn't really believe they would actually go farther than perhaps throwing him a small party after practice (which, by the way, they didn't do), but everyone I looked at seemed so happy talking to their friends or their partners, while I was already finding it harder than I thought to be in school knowing that I'll never see him walk down these corridors anymore...

"G'mornin best friend!!! How's your day going so farrrr?" Jeremy's cheery voice slid up next to me as I walked through the main doors and headed straight to my locker.

"What do you need, Jeremy?"

"Do you I really NEED a reason to come say good morning to my best friend??"

I stopped and gave him a pointed stare. 

"So you don't need anything?"

"I mean I wouldn't say I don't need anything from you.... I just have one favour to ask of you..." 

Jeremy's wide cheeky grin was hard to get mad at. And I ended up folding. 

"So basically there's this party this weekend.... and I want you to come with me!"

"Oooooh no sir, I've had my fair share of parties for the rest of this year. Possibly even the next few years. But you go on ahead and have fun." I smiled at him sarcastically and turned to unlock my locker. His body slouched onto the locker next to me while he stared at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes. I tried REALLY hard not to look directly at him. 

"Pweeeeease Jakey it would meant he WORLD to me. Plussss, there's apparently gonna be girls from an Upper-Central high school!! Everyone knows how crazy those girls are" He winked at me.

"NO way Jeremy. Crazy is exactly what I intend to stay away from. Can't you just find someone else to go with? Wait but also why do you even need someone to go to such big parties with? Every time I go with you, you ditch me and I end up alone the rest of the ride..."

"Aw Jakey I'm sorryyy. It's too last minute for anyone I know to agree to going with me. I also just find it a little awkward to walk in and out of a party alone."

"Awkward, or do you just need someone to drive you?"

"I mean, yeah, that too" Jeremy stated and laughed loudly. 

I felt a body suddenly bump into me from behind and uttered a small sorry, before looking up, and I realised it was Jordan. 

"Hey Jordan! Sorry was I blocking you?"

"Oh no hey, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." 

Then Jeremy jumped into the conversation and started talking to Jordan. 

"Jordan, yeah? Quick question, would you like to join me to go to a party this weekend? There's gonna be Upper-Central girls there, and you do not wanna miss that!"

"Ooof, Upper-Central. Sounds like a pretty crazy party. But I'm actually gay. So crazy girls aren't really gonna rile me up. I think I'll pass up on this one. "

"Woah. Interesting.... Well I mean, there'll most probably be guys coming with those girls?"

"Hmm.... Upper-Central boys.... I wouldn't mind that actually." Jordan finished with a smile. 

The whole time I'd just watched the interaction between these two and wondered how they hadn't known each other before now.

"Okay c'mon I wanna tell you the deets." Jeremy said quickly grabbing Jordan's arm. He turned back to me and said "I'll see you at lunch" before the both of them turned ahead and started walking towards our first class. 

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