1-Dream or Nightmare?

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  ~(Y/N) 's dream (nightmare)

I was running through a forest. I was running from something. I don't really know what it is, all I know is I don't want it to catch me.

I could hear him running. Leaves being crushed by his legs.

Sudenly all the sounds stoped.

I stoped too and looked behind me.

It was not there. I leaned against the closest tree and calmed my breathing.

Sudenly a lighting stroke near me.

I stumbled back and falled on my butt.

There was white door with what looked like a bloody palm print.

The palm print didn't look like it was from a human.

I looked around looking for something else but there was nothing.

I shrugged and stand up slowly going to the door.

The door opened up. All I could see was white light.

I looked around one more time and slowly walked into the door.

There was more light blinding me so I closed my eyes.

When i opened them again I wasn't in the forest anymore. I was in someone's bedroom. There in the floor was dead body of a man with blood all around it.

When I looked under the bed there was a young boy probably teen.

He looked frightened.

He was doing something with a gun he has in his hands.

Suddenly someone pulled the dead body of the man.

The boy at first didn't noticed it but then looked at it.

His eyes widened more.

Suddenly someone throw the bed away jumping on the poor boy.

Before the thing could kill him I noticed it was... Vampire.

But I denyed killing human!

I didn't want to start a war with humans so I set a rule.

They can suck blood only out of animals and other vampires.

I guickly looked away before it could kill him.

I looked out of the window trying to figure out where this place was.

I used a little of my powers.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Then I woke up...

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