7-"But You Need To Help Me"

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Charley was coming back home. The sun had already set. Leaving the street in complete darkness.

He was coming around his dumpster. He thinked for a second and the grabbed it a dragged it back to his original place.

He turned around to unlock the door.

"Hey Charley" you said from behind him. He turned around eyes wide with horror. "H-Hey" he stuttered.

"We need to talk" you said looking deep into his eyes. He gulped and nodded. He was sure you knew he knew.

He nodded and walked inside. If you were something like Queen or Alpha as Edd said, you could go inside without an invitation. Right?

And he was right he walked into the kitchen you close behind him. He turned around and almost screamed when he saw you so close to him.

You jumped onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. "So what do you wanna talk about?" asked Charley trying to act cool..

"Don't play dumb Charley. You know I know." you said sternly. His breathing hitched. Were you going to kill him? Turn him into a vampire?

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you" you said with a chuckle. He released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He forced a small smile.

"So your a..." Charley strayed. "A vampire? Well yes but no" (😉)

He looked at yiu dumbfounded. "It will be better if you sit down for this" you said a little more softly now. He jumped onto the kitchen counter in front of you. "Edd was right" you started. "I am an vampire Queen. I am the Queen of vampires, werewolves, witches and wizards." you said. He started at you with wide eyes. "And I can change forms" you ended.

He stared at you with wide eyes.

"And what about your glasses? " he asked. "What do you mean?" you asked. "Well since you are a firm changers and a queen, they probably aren't normal are they?" he asked.

He was smart for his age you have to add him points for that. "Well I have the power of submission. If I look someone in the eyes for more then 5 seconds they will go into heat and will submit to me. But it doesn't work when I have these glasses on" you said.

He nodded slowly. You chuckled. "I know it's a lot to take in" you said. "But you need to help me" you leaned closer to him becoming more serious again.

"Help you with what?" he asked. "Jerry is a vampire too. But I gave out a rule that we can't kill good people. When we see human we can see his future. If he will be bad we can kill him. But Jerry broke the rule when he killed Adam and Edd." Charleys eyes widened when you said that Jerry killed Edd.

" I want you to help me to put him back under control" you said. He thinked for a second. "I can bring Edd and Adam back if that's what will help" you said with a smile.

His eyes shot up. "You promise?" he asked. "I promise" you said extending your hand. He took a deep breath and shake your hand.

The game is on Jerry~

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