9-Peter Vincent

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The night was long for all of three of you.

Charley killed Doris and saw Jerry drink her blood.

Jerry had to speak with the police after Charley called them because of Doris screaming.

Another sleepless night for you because of Doris.

But now let's skip to the present now.

Charley is sitting in Peters Vincent's pent house hoping he could help him get a little more answers on how to kill vampires. Truth to be told, he didn't really trust you.

"Let's say I want to kill a vampire..." started Charley whitch made Peter laugh a little. "Go on" Peter encourages him. "H-how would I.. How would I go about doing that?" Charley continued.

This continue for a while until Charley showed him the pictures. He remembered those pictures too well.

There was this insignias. Two insignias.

One with a bloody star and big bat or dragons wing besides it. Jerry's insignia.

The second one was yours. It was a skull with opened mouth and big black wings on both sides beside it. When Charley told Peter he got these from Jerry's house he immediately knows what's going on and wants nothing to do with it.

Meanwhile you are in your house with Jerry in it. And you finally understand why he was hunting people.

Some one puts a bug inside him. It's like his demon comes out at night just to hunt and the disappears.

"Don't worry comrade. I have a plan" you said to Jerry with a wicked smile.

I'm sorry I know this chapter is bad

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