20- "I'm Counting On It"

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Tears pricked at Charley's eyed as he saw you leaning over Amy with Jerry growling at anyone who came near you.

"Charley is gonna find me" she said when you brushed your fangs against her neck. "I'm counting on it" you said looking at Jerry.

"Iam not going to turn you just listen to me" you said and cradled her face looking into her eyes for a while. But not enough time to do anything to her.

"If I listen you won't do anything to me nor Charley" she asked with hope in her eyes. When you nodded she visibly relaxed in your arms. But she still didn't dare to look you or Jerry in the eyes.

Jerry nudged your shoulder as he saw Charley walking out of tee club. Knowing your victory you closed your eyes and kissed Jerry's cheeks.

"Let's go home" you said to Jerry and walked with Amy out of the club. Walking to the new car Amy's eyes widened.

A red Lamborghini stood in the garage with red liguid on the hood. "Don't ask" you said and jumped behind the steering wheel.

~Time skip~

Amy was alredy wide awake when you first heard the door breaking down and the windows getting shattered.

"Amy!" screamed Charley looking into every white room. "Charley?" asked Amy. "I'm gonna get you out" said Charley with new found determination.

"Okay but hurry we may-Ahhh" she screamed as the trap door opened and she fell down the hole. Before she could fall on her butt you catched her.

"Well I did told you nothing is going to hurt you" you said with a smirk as she looked at you surprised. Jerry and you could her more commotion going on upstairs so you walked with Amy to the back room, getting ready to act.

Seeing the light of the fleshlight Jerry for ready.

"I may not be drunk enough for this" you coudo hear Peter Vincent say which mad you and Amy chuckle a little.

"Help" said Amy dramatically which made you chuckle in respond. Your chuckle was short lived as Jerry shushed you which made you turn to him with your middle finger lifted.

As Charley opened the doors you disappeared into the darkness again.

Charley grabbed a stake into one hand as he walked deeper into the room.

As Jerry jumped from the ceiling he kicked Peter and locked Charley with you and Amy with words "They're all yours".

After Charley flashed the light all across the room he found Amy leaning against the coffin. He lovered the crossbow with relived sigh.

She dramatically came to hug Charley. But he was so blinded by love he didn't even see the fake canines.

You could her the young fledglings escaping from the dirt. Hungry and ready to hunt.

"You should have saved me Charley" said Amy with a sniff at the end. "There's still time" Charley whispered.

As Amy licked her canines Charely slowly realised his mistake.

You couldn't be more proud when Amy pinned Charely down whispering dirty things into his ear.

'A true dominant female' you thought and looked away hearing some explosion.

"I will be the best you have ever had, the only you have ever had" said Amy and then you noticed the stake Charley was holding.

Guickly using your big black angel wings you flew down and kicked her off from him. As Amy is laying down with you protecting her with your wings and checking if she is okay, Charley managed to break the lock and run out of the door.

"You missed" you said to Charley. "I know" screamed Charley and run out of the door to Peter's aid.

"Are you okay?" you asked Amy helping her stand up. "I was better but yeah" you smiled at her listening to Jerry's quiet murmur of a song.

"(Y/N) is something isn't she?" he asked as he saw you walk out of the dark. Peter's eyes were glued to your big black angel wings that you kept to successfully hidden until now.

As Jerry made a show of kissing you. His own pale white bat wings unfolded from his back.

As Charley was working on his master plan, Peter looked at the wings.

As Peter guietly lit Charley on fire, you at first didn't notice but then Jerry pushed you away.

As the flames enfolded him, with the help of yours and his wings, you managed to push Charley away, and destroy the lifter Peter used.

"Good plan" you smirked looking down at Charley. "But not fully though through" you said looking back at Peter.

But before you could say anything else a stake flew though your and Jerry's chest.

And it burned.

A black and white light emerged from your and his chest. Blinding everyone in the room and them darkness.

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