15-Not The Cross Charley

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Blue veins popping on Jerry's face he slowly walked to the man who was locked in his car. Not having the patience to break the lock he just broke the window and dragged the man out of it. Not wanting to waste any time he immediately bit into the man's neck.

"No no Charley" screamed Judy when she saw her son exit the car and walk with a cross closer to Jerry.

"Hey" screamed Charley at Jerry with the small cross raised in his direction. Meanwhile both Amy and Judy came our of the car staying a good few feet behind him.

Jerry finished his feeding. The man falling limply into the dirty road with some blood still dripping from his neck.

As his face turned back to normal he tryed to clean his face from the blood. He just smeared the blood more but at least he tryed.

"Hey" he said as he turned around to face Charley. "Please go it willy be alright. Take her and go. Amy take her and go" said Charley with the Cross still raised and pointed at Jerry.

"Catch you later" you said walking besides Amy and Judy to aid to Jerry's side. "(Y/N) why?" asked Amy with so much hurt in his voice.

"Because this is who I am Amy. We are the Alpha Predators in this God forsaken world" you said bitterly and lean against Jerry. He smiled and nuzzled your nose with his.

"I repel you with the power of Chris the lord" said Charley with determined yet scared tone. "Do you?Really" you asked with a smirk and a raised brow.

Charley started coming closer to you and Jerry. "That's a big mighty cross you have there Charley" Jerry said playing into the game.

Charkey jerked it into your direction. "The guestions is... Do you have faith?" you asked with a smirk showing your fangs (bugger then Jerry's)

"Get back" said Charley and jerked the cross into your direction which 'made' Jerry hiss like a crazy cat. 'Drama queen' you though but followed Jerry's lead.

"Not the cross Charley. Charley not the cross." you said dropping the act, lighting the small cross on fire and pushing Charley against the hood of the car.

Blowing the fire out you look deep into Charley's seeing none of the determination but only terror and fear.

"Come here" you said and lifted him by the collar. Then throwing him against the side of Judy's car. Then Jerry took the lead.

Before Charley could get anywhere Jerry landed before him and grabbed his collar again, making him sit down properly.

"Did you ever get staked in the chest Charley?" asked Jerry. "I have. It hurts. But they missdd the heart" he said.

Meanwhile you looked around. Your glasses now dirty with blood and dirt. You groaned and took them off cleaning them against your shirt.

"It's right here Charley" said Jerry drawing a small cross on Charley's chest. Right on the heart.

"Easy measures. You shouldn't have been so nosy" finished Jerry ready to tear open Charley's throat.

But then Judy threw one of her for sale signs into his chest. The noise Jerry made alerted you and you turned around. Seeing Jerry shaking himself with the sign in his chest you turned to look Judy straight in the eyes without your glasses.

She sensed your gaze and looked into your eyes. But for hurting your potential mate going into heat is almost a blessing. So just for now she just passed out.

Ignoring what ever they were doing you guickly ran to Jerry's aid and dragged him out of the road before Charley and Amy took off with unconscious Judy in the back.

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