10-"Is That A Stake?"

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(e/c) = your eye colour

'I guess I just have to trust (Y/N) now' Charley thought saldy as the elevator went down, and he watched as the sun went down with it. 'I don't have much choice now do I?' he though again bitterly.

Back in his house, he started putting garlic and crosses on the windows in a poor chance to keep the vampires away. He wasn't sure if it would affect you too.

"Is that Charley?" "The fuck is he doing?" said Dave Franco sitting in his car and watching Charley hang another cross onto the window. "It's paranoia. You know once I though I was being chased by carrots with machetes" said Ben (just a random name). Dave looked over at him with a 'you ducking serious man' face.

"I don't know dude" said Ben guickly to his defence. "Shit" said Ben when he heard guiet scraping against Dave's car. "Hide it" said Dave pulling a cigarette out of Ben's mouth and throwing it onto the ground.

"Hey guy" said Jerry when David rolled down the car window. Jerry's nails were extended, sharp and dangerous. "Yeah?" asked David with a scared tone as he watched Jerry's face change and then as he threw open his throat.

Before Ben could say anything Jerry killed him too. Jerry guickly cleaned his face, looking behind him he saw you waking to Charley's house.

You guickly turned around. Your dark (e/c) eyes boring into Jerry's dark brown ones. Only after a few seconds, Jerry lowered his head in submission. Acknowledging your dominate. You smirked and walked to the door. The dakr sunglasses on your eyes shine a bright red for a while, before the light completely disappeared.

Meanwhile Charley is sitting on his bed, trying to make a home made stake. Pieces of wood laying on the floor. His mother came to the door, looking inside and then knocking gently.

Charley looked up from his work at his mother. "Hey" said Charley as he stranded up. "Hey" replied his mother looking around the room. "Our hose looks like that show... Darks shadows" said Judy trying to lighten the mode a little.

"Yeah it's a.... Gag far (Y/N)" said Charley guickly. "Long story" he added as he stuffed one stake inside his shirt. Suddenly the door bell rang. Judy turned around ready to go down and open the door.

"Don't don't don't don't mom don't open it" screamed Charley running downstairs to see who it is. Judy just looked at him confused. Running downstairs he saw you and Amy looking around.

"How did you get in?" asked Charley a little breathless. "It was unlocked" you replied. Charley looked at you with visible untrust on his face. You didn't hesitate and smirked at him. You knew you were the last chance he had if he wanted to survive.

"Oh my God. Mom please I told you to lock the door" said Charley looking at his mom as she calmly walked downstairs. "Okay you are flipping out" said Amy a little annoyed now. Judy finally walked downstairs to seeing the staring content between you and Charley.

"You are acting all weird, you are blowing everything off" continued Amy, while you still stood next to the door. "Is that a stake?" you asked with a smirk looking at Charley's hand.

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