16-Scooby Gang

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After a while of laughing at Jerry for thrashing so hard with himself, you helped him take the sing out. It took a while for him to heal but you were there the whole time. Waiting and thinking about your next move.


Peter Vincent is sitting in one of his chairs in the penthouse. With some alcohol in the glass he looks over the city. Neon light flashed all across the city lighting it.

After a guick talk with Ginger he walked back to the bar. Pouring some more alcohol into the glass his eyes shifted to the photos Charley left him.

Curiosity got the best of him so he looked them over. And then his eyes fell on Jerry's and yours insignia again.

As he opened the safe he pulled out on old photo. The insignias matched perfectly.


As Amy is talking with her parents on the phone Charley is sitting on one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs. Thinking about you. Your words ringing in his head over and over again.

We are the Alpha Predators in this God forsaken world

No. Jerry must have hypnotised you or osme shit. You wouldn't turn your back to humanity like that. You were human.

'But my mom fainted after she looked at her without her glasses. And she always wears those glasses' but his train of thoughts was guickly interrupted by Amy sitting besides him.

"This is my fault" said Charley guietly. "You didn't make any of it happen" responded Amy trying to lighten her boyfriend up a little.

After another small talk with Amy someone called Charley. He answered it before even looking at who was calling him.

"Hello?" said Charley. "I can help you. My closure 1 am" said Peter before hanging up and looking at his old diaries with notes of your species.

~Time skip~

"I will tell you what I know but that's it" said Peter throwing some ice into his drink again.

"Don't expect me to join your little Scooby gang"  he said as he walked to where Amy and Charley are sitting.

"Tell me whatever you've got I will take it" said Charley looking at Peter. Amy just looks around.

"Okay so Jerry's specie nests in the earth. And they kill slowly. They keep their victims alive. Snackers." he said with obvious disgust in his voice.

"But (Y/N)'s Is a lot more interesting. Her specie lived side by side with Jerry's. In her species is always the Alpha Female. The one dominant female. And every year that female will choose a mate from his tribe. They make something like a power couple" he said almost dreamingly.

"That sounds like something wolves do" said Amy. "You can say that. That's why he probably killed. He killed for her. Like a courting ritual" said Peter before drinking the glass in one shot.

"Look how do we kill these guys?" asked Amy a little hurt that you never told her about this. I mean how cool is having a dominant female friend?

"You two? You don't" said Peter with a small laugh at the end. "You're gonna need an army" continued Peter while Charley rubbed his head in defeat.

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