6-"This Isn't Me (Y/N)"

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Charley didn't saw Edd at the school so he came to his house. After meeting his parents and going into his room he looked around a little.

All he saw were things about vampires. How to kill them, how to make a stake etc.

He laughed guietly until he spotted Edds computer. When he opened his computer, the first thing he saw was Peter Vincent.

When he looked around his computer a little he saw something named 'The Jerry Diaries'.

He laughed silently at the name and clicked on it opening it. Inside were 6 videos. He clicked on the first one named 'dumpster'.

There was no one but the wheel was moving. Edd who was recording probably saw it tho.

He watched a couple more videos until he got to the last one.

It was named '(Y/N)'.

He prepared himself and clicked on it. Edd (who was recording it) was in the middle of nowhere. The camera was pointed at (Y/N).

She had big fangs reaching under her bottom lip. After a few seconds two wolves runned behind her, and bowed to her. Then they transformed into normal humans. They talked about something.

Until the two wolves transformed into wolves again and runned away after bowing to (Y/N).

Then Edd made a sound of gasp which didn't go unnoticed. (Y/N) looked right into the camera and started running closer. Edd gasped and started running. There could be heard hissing and the the video ended.


You were in your house. The sun was slowly setting. You had just drinked the blood from the girl you hunted. Half of the blood in a milk containers in the fridge.

You still had a little drops of blood in the corner of your mouth. You were watching TV until someone knocked on the door. You were too lazy at the moment to answer but when someone started knocking again you gave up and walked to the door.

To your surprise there stood Jerry. How he got to your house you had no idea. But he was in a trouble now. The sun was kicking his boots and he looked scared.

He looked at you silently begging you for an inviting. You sighed.

"You can come in" you said as you walked away again. He hurried inside and closed the door behind him.

"Look (Y/N) I..." he started but you had something to say. "That's Queen (Y/N) to you" you said a bit more harshly then you wanted. He looked at the ground and sighed.

"Queen (Y/N) I know I had disobeyed your rule but I...." anger was boiling in the pit of your stomach. "But what!? Rule is rule" you said, venom dripping from your tone.

He sighed and looked at the ground. "This isn't me (Y/N)" he said and walked out of the house. Leaving you dumbfounded.

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