12-"like A Vampire?"

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"Go Get The Authorities!" Judy screamed and then rolled her eyes at Charley.

You can practically see the fanged smirk Jerry did before walking back to his house.

Charley nodded at his mom and then went to the door to look out the peeping hole. 'Time to get out of here' you thought and walked to the door.

Charley went to the window looking our of it at Jerry walking to his door. At this moment you slipped past the door and into the outside.

'If you screw this up I'm going to rip your balls of and throw them to the werewolves' you bitterly send the message to Jerry.

He looked at you and smiled a nervous smile before walking inside the house. You grabbed your glasses and pulled them down for a while.

Rubbing your eyes out of annoyance.

Jerry walked into the Brewster's garden with a shovel and a lighter in hands. His eyes were alredy as black as yours. You smirked and walked over to the sport car you stole. Knowing you are going to be needing it.

"Shit" Charley cursed as he watched Jerry walk into the garden. Running across the room with Judy and Amy at his heels.

"What is he doing?" asked Judy with a scored tone. "I don't know but whatever it is it's not good" said Charley running around the room looking out of every window.

"If we stay inside we are safe because obviously he can't go inside without an invitation" said Charley with a serious tone looking at Jerry in his back yard.

"Like a vampire?" asked Amy now fully confused. "Yeah really like a vampire" said Charley looking at Amy and Judy.

"Ooh it's the gag for Amy. I can't believe you got Jerry to follow with it" said Judy with a happier tone.

You meanwhile used your powers and flew into the roof of the house. Looking at Jerry he looked back at you and saw your frown. His smirk immediately flattened and that made you smile in return.

A relived feeling spreafed across Jerry knowing he didn't fuck anything up. Well at lest not now.

Charley pulled out three crosses. Giving Judy and Amy each one.

"Ooh vampire protection" said Judy with a laugh at the end. "I don't think this is funny" said Amy with clear annoyance in her tone.

Meanwhile Jerry started digging in their yard. A fanged smirk again on his lips as his eyes switched from your position on the roof to the window where all three humans were now watching him.

You pulled your glasses back on not intending to sent Jerry into heat right in the middle of a mission.

"Shit" Charkey whispered looking at Jerry. "What the fuck is he doing to my yard?" asked Judy nie angry.

"What's that?" Amy whispered looking back into the hose hearing a loud hissing sound.

Jerry flashed you another fanged smile as he lit the cord on fire.

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