13-"She Is With Him!"

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A loud BOOM echoed around the house as the fire got inside. Judy, Amy and Charley jumped behind the cough with eyes wide.

You smirked pleased with Jerry's work and flew back to the sport car now elegantly parked between yours and Brewster's house.

"Don't nerd invitation if there's no house" said Jerry with a smirk walking to the blew up window.

"Cmon" Charley screamed and dragged the others to the main door. "Get in!"  said Judy motioning the car in the garage. "I will drive" she added and jumped behind the steering wheel.

"Wait where's (Y/N)?" asked Amy scares for her best friend. "Forget about her! She is with him!" screamed Charley. Amy's eyes widens and tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Judy shot her an apologetic smile and started the car.

"Jesus Christ. What the hell is going on?!" asked Judy waiting for the garage door to open entirely. "Mom just go!" screamed Charley after looking behind his shoulder and checking Amy.

Judy nodded and drow out of the garage hitting Charley's bike in the process. The house exploded not soon after.

Jerry sprinted onto the bike revving the engine realising that the wheel is destroyed.

Well then comes you into the picture.

Revving the engine of the sport car to catch Jerry's attention. As he saw you behind the steering wheel his smirk returned.

"Is everybody okay?" asked Judy looking around for a while before she looked back at the road.

"You good?" asked Charley from the passenger seat looking at Amy who sat in the back.

Amy too shok from the events just nodded her head silently. Just then Charley's bike broke the back window scaring Amy as she screamed.

Charley acted guickly and kicked the bike out. "You alright?" he asked looking at Amy. "You okay?"  he asked again when Amy didn't answer. She just guietly nodded.

"Jesus!" said Judy looking back at Amy and Charley huddled in the back seat.

"Mom just keep driving" said Charley trying to stay calm. "This is seriously not okay Charley! Seriously who is this guy!" screamed Judy looking at the round before her.

"Mom I told you he's a fucking vampire" said Charley crawling back into the passenger seat. "Okay enough with the vampires" said Judy taking a deep breath trying to calm herself down.

"Let's just calm down and call the police" she said taking out her phone. Everyone nodded and took their phones out.

"No signal" "Nope" "Nothing" said in unision.

Judy groaned. "I hate this fucking dessert" she said now even more frustrated. Charley crawled back into the back seat trying to find and signal. To his dismay he found none.

"Shit. Charley is that him? Who is this?" asked scared Judy when she looked into the mirror seeing a white and black sport car driving behind them.

Everyone looked back.

"That's (Y/N)!" screamed Amy happily before noticing Jeryy sitting besides her grinning.

"Dammit" said Charley as the car got dangerously close before driving into them. "Oh God" said Amy covering her head.

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