8-"Oh (Y/N)

679 23 0

(e/c) = your eye colour

Jerry needed to let out some steam. After he had fed from Ed, he could still feel how hot his body is from looking into your eyes. So he did the most logical thing. He called himself a hooker.

Doris (or something like that) came soon. He have been talking with her on the porch of his home. He could tell that Charley is watching them.

He could tell that Charley knew he was a vampire. If he knew that (Y/N) is too? Probably not since she isn't a 100% vampire. Yes she needs blood but sun doesn't kill her. He wasn't sure if anything could kill her.

When he was done taking with Doris outside he walked with her inside. She pushed him into one of the arm chairs and give him a lap dance. But his brain started playing  tricks with him.

Insted of Doris there was you straddling his hips. Your dark glasses still on your eyes, but he could still see your (e/c) gems.

"Ohh (Y/N)" he moaned and closed his eyes. Then it hited him. Literally.

Doris slapped him on his cheek hard and started pulling her clothes back on saying something in the lines of 'what does she have and I don't?' and 'if you want her why call me right?!'.

After a while of screaming he grew tired of it and grabbed her. His vampire firm shoved up.

His skin is now more grey-ish like. His fangs grew out of his mouth. The veins on his neck more visible now.

After Doris saw that she screamed so hard it woke up Charley and you.

Jerry growled grabbed her and threw her into one of the white rooms in his cabinet. He could already feel that Charley is going to ask about the scream later...

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