2-"that's not Spying"

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N) wake up!"

I shot up banging my forehead into Natasha's forehead.

"ow" she whined. "I'm sorry I didn't meant to" I apologize.

"it's okay. But are you okay?" she asked rubbing her forehead.

"yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked faking a small laugh. Just then I noticed that I was looking into her eyes so I guickly closed them.

"you were screaming in your sleep" she said rubbing my hand.

I furrowed my brows thinking about the 'dream'.

"you wre screaming something about Las Vegas... And Nevada I think..." she said looking at me with concern in her eyes.

I opened my eyes looking at her. I guickly put on my special glasses so if I look into spmeones eyes they will not go I to heat. They were really helpful. Then I told her all about the dream. From the monster that was chasing me to the vampire breaking my rules to the poor boy that got killed.

She looked at me with wide eyes.

"maybe we could go there. The last time when you had dream like this it came true..." I smiled ta her and hugged her thight.

She just smiled and hugged back.
"go get dressed and we can then go" she said a slowly pulled away from the hug.

I smiled and guickly got up throwing some clothes on myself. Then I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

I put my phone and keys in my pocket and run out.

Outside was waiting Natasha besides my car/motorcycle.

She smiled at me then got inside the car/put on her helm and sit on the back of the motorcycle.

I smiled and sit beside her/before her and drived away.

It was pretty long drive but we got there before lunch.

She got out of the car/pulled off the helm and walked away saying: "I will go and find us somewhere to sleep".

I smiled and take a deep breath looking around.

That was weeks ago now I'm living here beside the Brewster family.

I got along pretty well with Charley and his mom Judy. But the best I go along with Amy.

At first they asked about my glasses but I just told them I have problems with my eyes so I need to wear them. And they believe.

Now iam siting inside my garage fixing my motorcycle.

It's wheel broke pretty bad so I'm fixing it.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked over to Brewsters.

I see Charley walking with his motorcycle and talking to it. I chuckled.

I watched as he has a small talk with Doris.

I looked away not wanting to see it.

I then heard his nome outside.

I looked over and walked to them.

"good morning miss Brewster" I said.

She looked over to me.

"oh good morning honey" she smiled at me.

She then looked over to look at her son.

"hey kid! Don't weird the neighbors" she scoffed her son and turned around.

"hey she's the one to put the word on her butt... I'm just reading it" he says back.

I just chuckled guietly standing awkwardly at the side.

I looked at the sky not really listening to what they are talking about.

"... I'm trying to make people move in not... Join the religious leaving town" I catches the end of Judy's sentence.

"I like that word religion" said Charley looking unimpressed.

"hello can I get some help here?" said Judy picking some of the signs. I guickly walked to her with Charley and picked some of the signs too walking to the back of the car.

"you know when the Perys lived there" started Judy.

"Oh when the Perys lived there they were the greatest neighbors ever but they moved" said Charley. I just smiled at him.

"I though you were happy when the house finally sold" said Charly throwing the signs inside the car.

"hmm he is not digging a pool so where all of this concery come from?"
Said Judy more to herself.

Charley walked behind her still looking unimpressed.
"well maybe you should spy them some more and find out"

I just smirked "they are 13 feet from yours house that's not spying" I sayd. Charley looked at me finally noticing that I was there.

Then Amy drives with her car to their house and spots we exchanged some 'hi' and 'hellos'.

I sayd my goodbye and walked back into my garage finally fixing my motorcycle.

I smirked looking at Charley chasing Amy's car.

'I wonder if my nightmare really happened or if I just buyed s house for nothing...'

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