18-Just Follow The Plan

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"Stay away demon" said Peter who just broke a glass box grabbing a black looking finger. To be fair Charley nor Amy didn't notice him even standing up from his chair.

"Ohh is that itchy bitchy thing for me?" asked Ed with a fake worry in his tone. "It's a crucifix. It's deadly for you" warned Peter the young vampire.

"Yeah. Old school nice. But you would have to get pretty close to use that think" said Ed and growled. Peter slowly realised his mistake and pushed a button on his telephone.

A secret door opened and he ran (screaming) to safety. "No you don't" said Ed running after him complelty forgetting Charley and Amy.

They could hear Ed scream some curses but they didn't see him yet.

As they ran into the main room, they saw Ginger laying on a floor in a pool of her own blood and the elevator buttons ripped off.

"Amy listen to me there are more ways to get out of here and we have plenty of things to help us defend ourselves" said Charley trying to calm his girlfriend.

She just silently nodded and looked around.

"Trust me. Cmon" added Charley and tugged her into another direction.

Meanwhile Peter was sitting in the escape room. Too scared to even breath he looked at the cameras. He felt a sting of sadness when he saw Ginger laying there.

"Dammit" said Charley when they came to a dead end. He frantically looked around trying to make a plan.

"Sing name please. Sign name please" said the receptionist looking at you and Jerry. At first you ignored him but of course he had to do his job right now.

You huffed turned around and motioned for Jerry to do the dirty work. He smiled and before you could say anything else he was pinning the man down and ending his life.

"That was quite rude" you said when he standed up. He knew better then to look you in the eyes so he just looked at the ground. As he looked at the ground he saw a pair of sunglasses on the counter.

He jumped for them and before you could bring he was back. "They may not be as effective but oh well" he said and handed them to you. You smiled and pulled them on.

"Just follow the plan" you said and then walked side by side with him.

Breathing heavily Ed walked around the room. Talking more to himself then to the two humans in the room. He was so into his monologue he didn't see them behind the glass shelves.

When he finally realised where they were it was too late and they dropped the shelves onto him. "Oh fuck" was all he could say before pain shot thought his body.

"Amy go. Amy please go" said Charley desperately when Ed scrambled from under the shleves looking pissed off. Amy ran into the main room again looking for any sort of weapon.

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