3-meet Our New Neighbour

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(e/c) = your eye colour

I was out the whole day. Doing my job of Queen etc. As I am the Queen the sun doesn't bother me so. I still liked the night more though.

When the sun started setting I go out hunting. Some couple was in the middle of forest. Perfect.

"please help!Help me somebody!" I screamed like a human in danger. The girl looked my way not spotting me. The boy looked too.

"w-what was that?" asked the girl. "I will go and see. Stay here Scarlett" he said and got up. Scarlett just nodded looking frightened.

He grabbed probably his pocket knife and walked my way. When he was out of Scarlett's sight I jumped at him. Instantly ripping open his throat.

Blood was all over my clothes but I didn't care. I sucked every last drop of blood inside his body. Then just throws him away not needing him any more. The body doesn't bother me. Because 'who would suspect such a beautiful woman to kill someone'. Pche.

I licked the blood around my mouth and then guickly runned to the girl.

"help me please..." I said weakly and then layed on the ground. Scarlett looked at me and guickly run to me.

She started looking for any visible injury.

I just smirked and opened my eyes from under the glasses that keeps my power under control. I used a little bit of magic my friends teached my and she passed out.

I opened a portal to my basement. It was a little cave with crystals a small pond with crystal clear water and then stairs into my real basement.

This cave was my little place to relax. No one knew of it and I wanted to keep it that way. I climeb the stairs with Scarlett floating behind me.

When I was finally up it was an all white room with a couple of door with locks.

I threw the girl in one of the doors and locked it. For the next time Scarlett.

I then got out of the house it was starting to get really dark. I saw the Brewster family with Amy talking to someone.

I could smell another monster. A vampire I think. Aww a little batsy.

I walked to them the Brewster family was already leaving, Charley running somewhere.

Then Chalrey's mom Judy stopped and walked back over to who I'm guessing is out new neighbour.

When he looked up and saw me his eyes widened. He knew who I was. And he knew he messed up by killing the human. But he had to.

I walked over to them and smiled warmly at Judy. Then smirked at the new neighbour.

"(Y/N) hi" said Judy happy to see me. The new neighbour gulped nervously.

"hi my name is (Y/N). I'm the woman living next to your new house" I said extending my hand. He nervously grabbed it and I sguezed it pretty hard. Letting him know I know what he did.

He nervously laughed.
"I'm Jerry it's pleasure meeting you" he said.

I watched as Judy go back to her house saying something in the lines
'I will leave you two there'.

I pulled my glasses down. Smirking at him.

"you know I don't appreciate it when someone breaks my rules" I said coldy not looking him in the eyes. For now.

"I'm really sorry but I had to...." I cutted him off lifting my finger. Looking him in the eyes.

He was staring into my eyes already knowing what is going to happen. My (e/c) eyes were hypnotising his dark brown ones.

He couldn't look away. His body already feeling hot.

He was already hot and bothered. But then you looked away deciding he has enough. At least for now.

Jerry looked away breathing heavily.
You never stopped smirking putting your glasses back on and turning your back to him.

"if I were you...i would watch your back" I said codly and then get back to my house.

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