19- "werewolves" "vampires"

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Amy guickly whipped around looking for any sort of weapons. Her gaze fell into a silver gun with a few bullets beside it. She guickly broke the glass and with shaking hands started putting the bullets into the gun.

"Well hello there bestie~" someone whispered into her ear. She knew that voice. But there was a scary tone to it.

"(Y/N)... Why are you doing this"she asked. She slowly turned around and her eyes widened.

You had the same clothes but your face was different. Blue veins popped up on your neck. Your fangs poking under your bottom lip, and your eyes were so dark. The only light thing in your eyes was the bright white pupils. But that made it even scarier.

"I'm sorry" she whispered before she shot you four times. Each time you flinched but didn't make any further move.

She slowly lovered the fun realising her mistake. "Werewolves" you said taking out the bullets and making a show of throwing them at the pictures on the walls.

"I'm sorry bestie. But vampires" she said and threw some holy water at you. And that stung. You made a low and scary hissing noise as you kneeled at the floor holding your face in your hands.

She apologised once more before running to Charley's aid.

You can hear two footsteps before a third one arrives.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" asked Jerry as he kneels besides you. You chucked darkly and pulled your hands to your side. Standing up with Jerry's help, you sniffed the air.

"Ed is gone" you whispered before looking in the direction the twin footsteps disappeared.

You groaned, cracked your neck and then opened your eyes again. Your whole eye was black, just the pupil was a bright white.

"Well, let's end this hunt shouldn't we mate?" you asked finally looking at him. The worry in his eyes disappeared as he kissed you and then started running by your side.

Walking through the kitchen and into the club Charley grabbed Amy's hand.

When Amy turned around she saw you grinning at her happily. Like she just didn't threw a poison at you.

They started running again. Not noticing you on the ceiling before you jumped down. After a while Amy and Charley got lost.

Eventually you found your way to Amy even before Jerry did.

"Please (Y/N)" she whispered with tears in her eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you if you are going to listen" you said and looked behind Amy where Jerry stood at her end of this mess of humans.

Grabbing Amy by the hand you walked with her to Jerry. "If you are going to listen to me and do as I say. You will be safe even from Jerry" you whispered before nudging Jerry in the shoulder to get his attention.

As much as scary and big Jerry was. You and him were the same heigh. Towering over Amy.

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