Chapter 2

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Cal's POV

I leaned up against the kitchen counter, drinking my beer and watching the commotion around me. There were bottles and red solo cups littering the area while hip hop music blared through the speakers. Clusters of idiots were all over the house and the living room was full of college students dancing and writhing to the beat of Pit Bull.

Where the fuck is Sammy?

Just as I was about to go look for him, he appeared at the top of the stairs, followed closely by... was that James?

Then she appeared. A fucking bombshell. Holy shit. She was practically the poster child for the sexy/innocent look. I wanted to see her in a school girl outfit looking sad for being naughty and begging me to stop spanking her. I wanted to see her on her knees in front of me. I wanted to see her naked on a motel room bed, tied up and blindfolded. I wanted her.

She followed Sammy and James down the stairs with a little hop to her step and a bright smile, her eyes running over the crowd from above.

Look at me.

But she didn't. Her eyes ran right past me like everyone else in the room. She didn't pause to acknowledge any one of the douches that I now noticed were as fixated on her as I was.

No. I'm having that first.

Thinking fast, I called out to Sammy over the music when he reached the bottom of the stairs. I needed to be introduced before anyone else got to her.

Sammy spotted me and turned back towards James, saying something and gesturing towards me. James's eyes lifted towards me and recognition flickered in his eyes before he turned towards that tiny beauty behind him and motioned towards the kitchen. She glanced up and finally her gaze settled on me. Fuck.

I felt... nervous. But I wasn't the nervous type. She just seemed so... ethereal. Like she'd blow away. Like she'd blow me off. Like she knew better than to fuck me. And I had to fuck this woman.

As she approached the kitchen I noticed that she was very short, but she had the perfect curves. The closer she got, the younger she looked, but her body indicated that she was definitely an adult.

She better be fucking eighteen.

Finally, they were in front of me. She was within reaching distance.

"Hey, man, having a good time?" Sammy asked as he reached into the cooler and grabbed a few beers, handing two to James who passed one on to... her.

Good. Sammy wasn't one to contribute to minors. Parents get pissed and call the law and it's a hassle. She's fuckable.

"Yeah, just waiting on you."

"Sorry, bro. Had to take care of some business."

My eyes flickered over to her.

Business? With James and ...her!?

She can't possibly be into that shit. She'd get eaten alive in that crowd. She looks like fucking Shirley Temple for Christ's sake!

But her eyes remained completely vacant as she swayed her hips to the music and sipped her beer prettily, a sweet smile in her giant blue-green eyes as she looked around. She had dimples. So fucking adorable.

... But then what the fuck is she doing with James?

I nodded stiffly to James, "Hey, man. How's it going?" James had a kind of boy next door look about him, but I knew better. The dude was a shark. He could be dangerous if you got on his bad side. He'd rip you to shreds.

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