Chapter 3

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Danny's POV:

When James introduced me to Sammy upstairs in his gigantic freaking house, with the bass from the music downstairs bumping quietly within the enclosed study, I couldn't help but put on my "character" for a little bit. Probably immature on my part, but I was bored and we had all night, so I may as well get my jollies off before I have to go make my grand entrance into this... society... of idiotic college kids looking to throw their lives away for a good time.

Sammy stared at me baffled before I smiled sweetly at him, flashing my dimples and bent my elbow to give a little wave while I pressed my knees together and rested my other hand on my thighs with a little shrug to my shoulders.

Body language is key.

"Hi!" I chirped at him as I made my eyes sparkle. "I'm Danny!" I grinned sweetly and showed him my pearly whites.

"What the fuck, James," Sammy dismissed me after scowling at me for a few more seconds and turned to James with a glare, "Creed said he was sending someone experienced, not some fucking high school sweetheart! Holy shit! Has he lost his fucking mind!? Why the fuck would you even bring her up here!? What are you guys, pulling them out of Catholic girl schools now!? I can't introduce this little girl to my crowd, they'll fucking eat her alive!"

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" I blink my eyes at him, looking remorseful as though my daddy just scolded me.

"Listen, Princess, I don't have time for— what the fuck!? Is she gonna cry!?" He stands up from his seat, obviously agitated and pissed the fuck off, while I do my best to look like I'm suppressing tears at the sound of his harsh voice. "James, take her down for a drink and introduce her to Stacy or some shit. I'm calling Creed— Go on, Sweetheart. Go have some fun."

James sits back amused. He smirks and shakes his head in my direction while I grin mischievously back at him, before slipping back out of character and laughing out loud.

Sammy's head snaps towards me and he narrows his eyes.

"You don't need to call Creed, chill out and sit down and we can talk," I say, using my regular voice which isn't quite as chipper and squeaky as what Sammy had been hearing from me thus far. I resume my poker face, with only a slight smirk, before going completely blank and  leaning back, sprawling my arms across the armrests of my chair, crossing my right leg over my left knee, and relaxing my posture to fit the occasion.

Confusion and then realization crosses Sammy's face before he hesitantly sits back down and stares at me for a moment.

"The fuck was that?"

"That was the girl that you'll be introducing to anyone that Creed hasn't already approved of. She's an airhead, but she's lots of fun and she is everyone's sweetheart," I state coldly as I stare into his ocean blue eyes. "I've seen too many people get busted because they either look and act like drug dealers with their high profile bad ass ego bullshit, or they pop in and out of parties and residences without sticking around long enough to avoid suspicion if anyone is watching. So I've perfected my game to keep myself and my... associates... safe. It's nearly fool proof. Danny is a good girl who likes to have fun and go to all the parties and she's invited to all those parties because she's so much fun and she's everyone's sweetheart. So long as the people who know the truth keep their jaws locked, no one ever needs to know who I am or what I do. Can you keep your mouth shut?"

"Certainly," Sammy leans forward. "So what did you bring for me today?"

I sit up straight and pick up my bag...


As we were heading down the stairs I could already feel several pairs of eyes on me, so I kept in character and made sure to gaze over the crowd as though taking it all in excitedly, as though I'm completely unaware that anyone is looking at me.

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