Chapter 67

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Zeke's POV

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Zeke's POV

I've rarely been so conflicted before in my life. On the one hand, I should be an accessory in a violent felony at this very moment while Sammy and James go look for that sick bastard at Mac's (hey, what Danny doesn't know won't hurt her, right?). I mean. At the very least he needs to be permanently disfigured. She didn't say anything about that.

On the other hand, it's pretty rare that Danny is like this. She's one of those people who is really really small but who you forget is small because they hold themselves like they're big.  I'm pretty sure she forgets how small she is. Like a yippy chihuahua. But today she actually initiated a hug with me. She sought comfort. She threw herself into my arms for a hug. That's not normal and it's not something to be ignored with her. She needs me right now.

On a separate hand that no one else can see, there's a certain lady out there somewhere. A certain lady who gave me a helluva night and then disappeared without a trace. And I want to chase that. But I can't because right now the best friend that I've ever had is standing in front of me after being sexually assaulted by someone she loves and she needs to know that she isn't alone. I like to think that my lady would understand that.

But I will fucking find her.


"Do you want me to have the cab bring you to your place or mine?" I ask the Angel beside me before we climb into the vehicle.

"Well, five minutes ago you made a few dirty promises that I expect you to keep..." she trails off suggestively.

Fuck yes!

"Just making sure you're on board," I set my hand on her back and guide her into the backseat, following close behind and giving the cab driver my address.

I pull her close to me in the back seat, eager to get my hands on her before we even exit the parking lot.

"I am not making out with you in front of the cab driver," she hisses quietly at me when my lips find her soft neck.

"Then it's a good thing we're behind him, isn't it?" I say, giving her earlobe a nip and relishing her sharp intake of breath.

"You better—,"

"Shhhh," I murmur, "he'll hear us."

Surprisingly she doesn't resist any more, but instead leans her head back, giving me easier access to her rapidly beating pulse. Her hands find the hem of my shirt and I bite back a groan when her fingers dance across the bare skin of my abdomen.

Oh fuck.

I wrap one arm around her waist and gently fist her hair with my other, pulling her mouth to mine and licking across her full, pouty lips, ecstatic when she immediately parts them to allow my tongue entrance into her sweetness. This time I can't bite back the moan that bursts forth from my chest. She tastes so fucking good, she feels so fucking good.

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