Chapter 26

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Cal's POV

I stare at my cut lip in the mirror, wondering if it's too noticeable. I won the fight last night, but the fucker managed to catch me with a left hook to the face and bust my lip open.

I wanted to call Danny today and take her out driving but now I'm concerned that she'll notice my cut and come to, well, the right conclusion. That I'm a violent fucker who makes his money by hurting other people.

It's not for much longer, though. I've almost got enough money to open up a legitimate business as a contractor and then I can walk away from the last thing that's keeping me in the dark side of the world.

Fuck it. I'm texting her.

I pick up my phone and scroll down to her contact, excitement and anticipation settling in my chest. I fucking love how she makes me feel. It's like I'm alive again for the first time since I was eleven. Since I found out what a bitch my mother was and what a fool my father was for loving her.

Cal: What are you doing?

Danny: At the library. Finished the first book last night. I need more.

Cal: Wait for me there. I'm picking you up.

I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my keys without waiting for her response.


Danny: You're bossy.

Cal: You'll get used to it.

I left a note for Clarice in case she got home from school before I got back and headed out to my car to go pick up my girl.

I know she rejected me, but that doesn't make her any less mine. I have a feeling she'll give in to me before the year and a half of school is up. After all, she didn't say that it was because she's not interested. She said she likes me. I just have to keep her close until she comes around.

I have to do something about the fucking men she's hanging out with all the damn time.

Danny is actually full of surprises and one of them is that she doesn't seem to feel out of place hanging out with guys in a platonic way. In fact, the only female I've seen her spend any time with beyond random chatting at parties is Stacy. And that was at a party, too. She doesn't seem to hang out with other women outside of parties.

Normally I would like that because I don't care for the stupid fucking drama I've seen Clarice face with her troop of little females, but the men Danny has been spending her time with are unaware that she's already fucking claimed. Especially Sammy. That fucker needs to back the fuck down.

She did, however, seem to genuinely want to get along with Clarice. I learned years ago not to bring any of my flings around her because she would inevitably become taken with the older, pretty girls and they had no problem attempting to build a fake bond with her so that I'd be more likely to keep them around.

Since dad passed away and Clarice moved in I haven't brought a woman into my house. But Danny was different. She was genuine. She wasn't the type to manipulate my sister just to have a chance at me. Hell, she already had me. She didn't have to play any games to gain an advantage.

I pulled into the library parking lot and rounded the corner to see Danny seated on the steps with her ear buds in, reading the book she just checked out. Her hair is in a high pony tail, curls cascading around her head, calling my fingers to them. She's dressed casually in a pair of ripped blue denim capris and a navy blue tank top. I frown a little at that because it's a little chilly for her to be dressed that way today.

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