Chapter 37

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Danny's POV

Sammy knows something. I don't know what he knows and I don't know how he knows it. But he knows something. He didn't bother with greetings or pleasantries when he called. Just a "Where are you?" And then "I'll be there in twenty" when I told him I was at Zeke's.

He showed up at the same time as the tacos. It's a good thing we ordered extra. When we all got situated in Zeke's living room which is, thankfully, much larger than mine, Sammy stared at me hard, analyzing me from head to toe.

I'm sure I look like shit. I didn't bother doing anything with my hair aside from running a wide-toothed comb through it after my shower last night. My eyes are burning from crying and smoking pot so I'm sure they're blood shot. A quick glance in the mirror this morning while I was brushing my teeth revealed to me that I was paper than usual and my freckles popped out a lot more than they normally did because of it.

Sammy's gaze lingered on my neck where faint hickeys stood out in contrast to my pale complexion. His mouth set into a grim line, but he didn't say anything. He just let his gaze travel back up to my face and his eyes softened as they looked into mine.

"You okay?" He finally asked as we started digging tacos out of the bags and unwrapping them.

"I've been better but I'll live," was my response.

"What happened?"

"Cal, um, found out that I lied to him..." I didn't need to say anything else.

Push it down. You don't have to feel it. Push it down.

An angry look passed over Sammy's face for a moment but was subdued when I met it with my usual blank look. The one that I use when I'm shutting down my feelings.

"Why don't we all go to Mac's tonight? Get a room again," Sammy finally said.

He wants to help me forget.

"That's the best idea I've heard in a long time," I say. "Let's get stoned first."

"I'll call Claire and tell her to handle the shop today," Zeke announces, picking up his phone.

"I had a few errands to run today," James says, "but I can put them off til tomorrow. Everybody needs to take a vacation sometime."

I swear I have the greatest friends.


"Do you think that penguins taste more like chicken, or fish?"

"Well... game usually tastes like whatever it eats... so, I'd say maybe both? But penguins have a lot of fat. At the very least, they're like dark meat chicken where on their breasts and wings. I don't know what's going on with the legs and thighs... maybe the legs and thighs are more like pork...," I tell Zeke, thoughtfully. "Maybe they're like a surf and turf all in one. Like you see in the infomercials. Like the instamop."

"What the fuck ever happened to infomercials? No one ever watches that shit anymore." Zeke ponders.

"Netflix happened." Sammy responded.

"Fuck, dude, remember when people only had three channels and they had to watch tv until the colored lines showed up on the screen and it went all beeeeepppp and then everything went to static?"

"I'm pretty sure you weren't even born yet when that was happening. You just saw that on Poltergeist." I tell Zeke.

"Ssshhhh.... don't spoil it...."

"Spoil what?"

"My nostalgia by proxy."

"There is no such thing! You can't be nostalgic about something that happened to someone else! It has to be a personal experience!" James claimed.

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