Chapter 48

49 4 11

Danny's POV

Ugh... my fucking head... holy shit... kill me...

I hear... music. Did I fall asleep with my music on? No. I'm on a bed. I don't have a bed. Am I at Zeke's? No. Zeke's room doesn't smell like cologne. It smells like pot and charcoal pencils.

Where the fuck am I?

I open my eyes slowly, anticipating a bright light, but I'm greeted with a fortunately dimly lit room. That I don't recall ever seeing.

Not good.

I sit up with a a bit of difficulty, trying not to jostle my pounding head. I'm alarmed to find myself in a man's shirt and boxers.


Grabbing my bag off the foot of the bed, I walk across the room to the door, which is opened slightly, and open it wider, stepping into the hallway. The music gets louder as I walk past a couple more doors to what looks like a more open area.

"I wanna taste your content
Hold your breath and feel the tension
Devils hide behind redemption
Honesty is a one way gate to hell
I wanna taste consumption
Breathe faster to waste oxygen
Hear the children sing aloud
It's music till the wick burns out

"Mornin', Danika."

Oh fuck. What have I done?

"Um... what am I doing here, Joshua?" I ask hesitantly. My throat feels dry.

"Aw, you don't remember me last night? You're breaking my heart," Joshua quips with a smirk, holding his hand over his chest dramatically.

"You- we- I- did-," I'm stuttering. My head's pounding has increased with the pounding of my heart and I feel a little dizzy.

"You- we- I- no, Danika. I'm fucking with you. You don't want me sober, I'm not going to try to take you drunk. I prefer my women willing. And aware." He rolls his eyes.

This fucker. I don't know whether to hug him or punch him right now.

"Oh, thank fuck," I sigh, ignoring his feigned hurt expression as I walk toward the couch. "How did I get here?"

"I found you wandering around by Mac's, drinking from a flask, pissed off and drunk as hell. I offered to bring you back to your friends, but you said you didn't want to go back to "that fucking place" so I just brought you with me. I didn't think you could handle the stairs at the gym at that point and I couldn't just leave you there. Bad neighborhood and all."

"Oh. Thanks, man. I owe you one."

"You owe me more than one, Danika, I was about to get laid. She got all pissed off when I stopped to pick you up and I wound up bringing her ass back to the bar," Joshua says, leaning forward. "But I'll collect later. For now, you look like fucking road kill. Go clean up and I'll fix you a drink. A little hair of the dog should fix that hangover."

"Gee, thanks, Joshua. You say the sweetest things," I mutter, heading back down the hallway to find the bathroom.

When I look in the mirror I realize that Joshua is correct- I do look like road kill. More specifically: raccoon. It takes me several makeup wipes from my bag to handle the mess that is my face and I brush my teeth twice for good measure before running my wet hands over my hair to tame the frizz. I eventually give up on that endeavor and throw it all up into a messy bun on top of my head.

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